I’m seeing strange behaviour on the Android version of my latest project: when I start the game (either by debugging from Xamarin Studio or just tapping the icon on my device), the game display flashes up for a split second then the screen goes black, except for the top status bar. This repeats several times and eventually the game becomes stable, but the number of repetitions before reaching this point can vary, and I’ve also noticed the top status bar (with the battery indicator etc.) shifting size ever so slightly.
Has anyone seen this before, or knows what might be going on? I have a full application output log if this is any help - unfortunately too long to post here.
Cheers @daveleaver - I started playing with a blank app and tracked the problem down to the fact that in my Game1.Initialize method, I was doing this:
_graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = _graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height;
_graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = _graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width;
… which I had added in after reading on another thread that Windows Phone 8.1 currently (or at least at the time I last downloaded the dev build) needed this in order to work in portrait mode.
However, since I’m no longer supporting WP8.1 (no admob and WP8.0 will work just fine), I’m now able to strip this out again.