Music doesn't load in Windows - OpenGL

This is my first attempt to get my game running using the WindowsGL platform. I’ve built a song (mp3 source) with /platform:WindowsGL, and it created .mp4 and .xnb files.

When my game tries to load them, it appears to only support .wav (“RIFF”) files. The signature bytes from the header in LoadWave() are 0, 0, 0, and 24. So I get the following exception:

throw new NotSupportedException(“Specified stream is not a wave file.”);

Am I doing something wrong? Is “WindowsGL” not the correct platform to pass to MGCB.exe?

I’m in the same boat - did you figure it out?

I have a DirectX build of the game running too, which spits out .wma files from MGCB and they play fine. But the WindowsGL build and mp4 files hit this assert.

After looking through several threads (and looking at the source), Windows GL currently only supports wav.

Are there plans to expand this to support wma (or mp3) for audio? Or is Windows GL not really considered a valid release platform (i.e. should we use DirectX)?

I really haven’t looked at it. Make sure the platform is set correctly for each item in the mgcb file. I’ve decided to just go with XNA on Windows.

The temptation to revert back is great. :slight_smile: But since I would like to work on an iOS port as well, it makes sense to have some parity between the latest version of my game for Windows as well as other platforms - which is why Windows GL would be the best since they could share shaders.