NeuroVoider - Twin-stick roguelite shooter, with explosions

Hey there,

We’re glad to announce our second MonoGame-powered title, NeuroVoider.

Watch the trailer here:

It’s a twin-stick shooter with a pinch of rogue-lite, playable up to 4 players. Alpha is out, and the game is expected to release next year on Windows, OS X, Linux and some home consoles we cannot unveil yet.

Let me know if you have any kind of feedback.

Hey @mrhelmut.

I want to include this in the MonoGame 2015 showcase video. Can you confirm what platforms you are targeting that use MonoGame? Also is there footage that you prefer we use? Ideally something that is purely gameplay footage. 1080p at 60fps is best.

That would be awesome. I’ll send you an e-mail right after this post.