No MacOS progress in 6 months?

I downloaded and installed the latest Xamarin Studio, Mono, and MonoGame packages, and found on the doc page a link to a blog article from September 2013 on getting started with MonoGame on OSX:

I followed the steps listed in the article and was surprised and disappointed to see the same problems as the blog author encountered six months ago. Any plans to improve the initial user experience on OSX?

I want to see progress there soon myself. We should be moving to SDL soon, we are close on the cross platform content pipeline, and hopefully will improve the installation process in Xamarin Studio (we need help with this).

Does this have any merit for help/fixing for Mac ?

I have not written a line of mono/xna. Just peeking in to get a heads up for what I need to know.

Ethan is pushing forward in a slightly different direction from MonoGame. There are bits we will probably suck back in, but at this point I think he is heading towards making his fork a whole separate library.

Thanks for the kind reply. I did realize this after I had done more research. I pinged you on twitter for some more clarity (maybe forum links?) as to not draw this topic off any further.