I found it took me a bit of trail and error, seems quite a few suggested ways. I think I ended up doing all the steps you mention, but also created a custom style (make sure to set your activity to use this style)
If you check Resources/Values/Styles.xml
Probably you need to add <item name="android:windowActionBar">false</item>
There are also a number of other options that could be useful, e.g. <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item> <item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>
Its a bit of a fiddle, especially certain devices can be more tricky.
Couple of suggestions I see looking at a project here. I have split mine intro two activities, an entry one, and then GameActivity which launches monogame. I’m not sure why I did this anymore, but suspect it was for a reason such as issues with fullscreen.
Another is that I use a few more flags than you, this is from the top of my GameActivity
Then one other suggestion I have, is if you have not setup a splash screen, in my experience this can be something that effects fullscreen behaviour (I think it mostly effects iOS but it may cause issues on android too). So try making sure you have a proper nine slice splash screen setup, it might help.