By no effect I mean there is no smouth resolution, its always a huge impulse.
I have the same result with line in comment.
When I make a pile of boxes, if I move the box on the top all my boxes jitter.
For now I desactivated friction, at the beginning I thought it was probably that… but nope
In GDC2006 Erin Catto says “remember the past”, so I think it’s ok for this part, but I don’t have PreSolveVelocity method for now, maybe its the problem.
Something else is very strange // Impulse parameter
j = −(1 + e) vab · n
1⁄ma + 1⁄mb + (rap × n)² ⁄ Ia + (rbp × n)² ⁄ Ib
With 2 contacts point I need to separate linear and angular velocity impulse resolution, else my bounce restitution doesn’t work // Need aabb restitution, else no bounce
I really don’t understand why in my case my restitution doesn’t work.
Box2D and all physics engine on github(box2D like) use the block solver for 2points, and use Euler integration, so ok.
But Matter.js use verlet integration, and use the impulse formula for 1contact point even if there are 2 contact point. I do the same thing,( I am not really good with the Jacobian matrix) but it doesn’t work for me.
I have my contacts point, normal collision, separation… everything I need to solve OBBvsOBB (its work perfectly on a static body) but my bounce do nothing.
And nowhere I see Matter.js do some trick for Invert inertia tend to absolute zero