Pipeline tool for Mac hangs on startup

I downloaded latest (3.4) Pipeline GUI Tool Package for Mac but once I run it - it just hangs. It used to work for me but after some update it started to hang all the time. I tried 3.3 with same result. Any ideas what might be causing it? I tried to run it from terminal to see if there are any messages but there is only one seemingly irrelevant message (Method userSpaceScaleFactor in class NSView is deprecated).

I can’t say what changed on your system to break the 3.4 release. @dellis1972 @harry-cpp ?

You could try out the latest development release of the Pipeline tool via the stand alone installer for Mac:


Letting us know if this works or doesn’t work for you could help us identify and maybe fix this issue before we ship 3.5.

Wow seems to work! Thanks, I will use it. Still not sure whether that was my local problem, I have myriads of all sorts of things and versions installed.


Wait, haha this is funny. Basically the problem was that I have this Pipeline project that if I open it the pipeline tool hangs. And it was last opened project so everytime I tried to open pipeline tool it would try to open it and handed. My project is located in my home dir (/Users/user/), if I copy it to other directory it works from there. I think I am being able to reproduce it:

  1. Create project in your Mac home dir
  2. Save it.
  3. Close Pipeline tool
  4. Open it again and open that project.
  5. Hangs

So for some reason Pipeline tool doesn’t like projects in home dir.

Ha, I didn’t read this till just now, but I submitted a PR that should fix this 15 mins ago: https://github.com/mono/MonoGame/pull/4525

Thanks @jabberwok! Hopefully that issue is resolved with @harry-cpp fix. We will let you know when there is a new build to test out.

@Tom @harry-cpp perfect timing! thanks for info, guys.

If you want to try the PR, use: http://teamcity.monogame.net/repository/download/MonoGame_DevelopMac/14783:id/MonoGame.pkg?guest=1

@harry-cpp fix works, cool