I downloaded latest (3.4) Pipeline GUI Tool Package for Mac but once I run it - it just hangs. It used to work for me but after some update it started to hang all the time. I tried 3.3 with same result. Any ideas what might be causing it? I tried to run it from terminal to see if there are any messages but there is only one seemingly irrelevant message (Method userSpaceScaleFactor in class NSView is deprecated).
I can’t say what changed on your system to break the 3.4 release. @dellis1972 @harry-cpp ?
You could try out the latest development release of the Pipeline tool via the stand alone installer for Mac:
Letting us know if this works or doesn’t work for you could help us identify and maybe fix this issue before we ship 3.5.
Wow seems to work! Thanks, I will use it. Still not sure whether that was my local problem, I have myriads of all sorts of things and versions installed.
Wait, haha this is funny. Basically the problem was that I have this Pipeline project that if I open it the pipeline tool hangs. And it was last opened project so everytime I tried to open pipeline tool it would try to open it and handed. My project is located in my home dir (/Users/user/), if I copy it to other directory it works from there. I think I am being able to reproduce it:
- Create project in your Mac home dir
- Save it.
- Close Pipeline tool
- Open it again and open that project.
- Hangs
So for some reason Pipeline tool doesn’t like projects in home dir.
Ha, I didn’t read this till just now, but I submitted a PR that should fix this 15 mins ago: https://github.com/mono/MonoGame/pull/4525
Thanks @jabberwok! Hopefully that issue is resolved with @harry-cpp fix. We will let you know when there is a new build to test out.
If you want to try the PR, use: http://teamcity.monogame.net/repository/download/MonoGame_DevelopMac/14783:id/MonoGame.pkg?guest=1