PS5 and XBox Series support

Does anyone here know about when and (IF) MonoGame willl support PS5 and Xbox Series?

Afik it already supports xbox series (and One) I’m not sure about ps5 though.

What I know for sure though is that in terms of xbox, you can do UWP today. You can publish to xbox series, xbox one and windows 10+ pc with the same binaries if you want. You can also use a retail xbox to test without a real devepment kit. It seems to be an absolute gift from Microsoft and is far better and easier than even xbox indie games was on the xbox 360 back in the xna days.

However, Microsoft will not promote the game in any way, not a new release, not a sale item etc. There is not even a section on the store for them, they seem to be lumped in with all the rest, which potentially sucks for customers as if they do happen to see your game, they can’t appreciate its “lesser” origin and for you as visibility is limited.

Moving up the food chain though, if you get a publisher deal with Microsoft or are using the id@xbox route then i believe there is a monogame version you can get access to from Tom Spillman that can create native xbox binaries using the microsoft sdk for xbox. I believe this is a slow and difficult task and not one I’d recommend for the feint hearted. I believe this is the route some conversion houses use when given a monogame built game to publish to xbox/switch and maybe playstation too (ie they deal with all that nuisance for you).