Publish app on Windows for other platforms

I’m kinda confused with publishing - is it possible to publish game for macOS and Linux from Windows system? I tried publishing it via dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-x64 with and without all single file output, ready to run, AoT etc., and result was always game file without any extension that is not runnable on macOS - it opens text editor

Yes, it’s a bit weird though, MacOS expects “apps” in a very specific structure. It’s just a folder named like “” with your game/content/etc within, but has specific naming conventions, expected sub-folders, a text file with meta data, etc (see apple developer docs). None of that matters if you’re publishing via Steam (or similar), all you do is tell steamworks what your executable file is (the game executable that has no file extension), but if you’re publishing yourself or via the App Store or something like that, you’ll need to package it as a “MacOS app bundle”.

If you’re just looking to test your build, you can open a terminal on your mac, navigate to your build folder, and run your game manually with: ./YourGameExec (no file suffix)