Reduce my .apk size

Edited question: I have managed to switch to “release build” and copy the new apk (36MBs) to my phone, and i managed to cpy the .apk, However how can i reduce that size ? in their website the mention “linker” method but they dont provide any information oh how to reduce that.

Also, will the indie license (25$ per month) remove the “this app will work only for 24 hour” splash ?

changing the “linking” saving , rebuilding solution and then debuging didnt change the .apk size that is produced

I fixed it by making a new project from scratch, and then starting project in “release” as i did before (instead of “debug”) mode. For some reason making a new project fixed it. I haven’t really understood the reason yet. My signed .apk is now only 7.5MBs from 36MBs.

Here are the sizes for my project in kb:
Link None 68048 48312
Link SDK 42627 42891
Link All 40855 41149


@Shiro can you please tell me how do you make a new project in scratch and all procedure.