Release date for 3.6?

Sorry for possible duplicate and/or stupid question.

So, we are developing Cross-Platform game with MonoGame as a school project, and we plan to release it in end of the year. We have had couple random crashes with OpenTK, and I heard that it isn’t fully optimized. Then I heard that 3.6 will use own libraries for Cross-Platform OpenGL implementation, which got our hopes up.

Do you guys have any idea when it will be out, hopefully this month? Keep up the good work, I love using MonoGame!

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When it’s done :slight_smile:
I could not miss this joke.

Tom mentioned in the last MG live session that he’d like to get some high priority issues with the 3.6 milestone resolved and then release. I think it’s mostly pipeline tool issues that need to be resolved before doing the release. There’s also XS6 support and probably a handful of smaller issues.

So no release date so far?
Hopefully it comes in less than two months, so I have time to work with possible Upgrade and Cross-Platform problems :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope. But the develop branch is pretty doable.

The MonoGame Team said that it’d be done by June 16th, 2016, but let’s not be too hard on them. After all, replacing OpenTK with their own wrapper for it is not an easy task as as well as making their MonoGame framework, they also have to work on the C# OpenGL thingy. They’re doing great work, and according to their milestone page 3.6 is over half way to release!

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Ya in case you didn’t know the dev branch creates a brand new ziped build installer pretty much every day. If you go to the main github page and scroll down the page you’ll see like 6 boxes for builds. Search around and youll find the installers under artifacts.

You can also get latest dev version installer for Windows/Mac/Linux from the downloads page on this website under ‘development builds’.