San Miguel Model

Has anyone successfully loaded the San Miguel Model from ?

I get this everytime (I’m using the latest MG dev) :

H:/________MonoGame/SanMiguelTest/sanMiguel.obj: error: Importer ‘OpenAssetImporter’ had unexpected failure!
Assimp.AssimpException: Error importing file: The string “” cannot be converted into a value.
à Assimp.AssimpContext.ImportFile(String file, PostProcessSteps postProcessFlags)
à Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.OpenAssetImporter.Import(String filename, ContentImporterContext context)
à Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.ContentImporter`1.Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.IContentImporter.Import(String filename, ContentImporterContext context)
à MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Builder.PipelineManager.ProcessContent(PipelineBuildEvent pipelineEvent)

Build 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

When I edit the obj file with notepad++, there is no match found for “” in it !

Just a wild guess here but it could be that the importer does not trim starting and trailing spaces from asset names/linked names and there is a space at the front of something?

Not even a single " is present in the file. Nor in the mtl.
Maybe it is just a wrong message, and should be a sort of overflow (the model’s file is 1.8GB)

Fbx converter has just finished… Pipeline building…

Ah, I presume you are on an x64 system then…

Hmm best wait for someone with more knowledge relating to this then…

But if I recall correctly most of the linked asset addressing is at the top of a file so double check the addressed files if any… or is this error not relating to the loaded data?

Ah I best leave it here… not been a good week for me… sorry.

MMmmm I forgot FbxConverter messes the paths to textures :confused:
Need to reconvert it again.

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Textures was the word I had on the tip of my err typing tongue :stuck_out_tongue: it is what I meant by Assets… but I think you got my meaning :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure :wink: no need of words :smirk:

After conversion to FBX, ASCII, no embed media checked, not yet edited textures paths, I get… tadam !

Build started 23/02/2017 11:01:09

H:/________MonoGame/SanMiguelTest/sanMiguel.fbx: error: Importer ‘FbxImporter’ had unexpected failure!
Assimp.AssimpException: Error importing file: bad allocation
à Assimp.AssimpContext.ImportFile(String file, PostProcessSteps postProcessFlags)
à Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.OpenAssetImporter.Import(String filename, ContentImporterContext context)
à Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.ContentImporter`1.Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.IContentImporter.Import(String filename, ContentImporterContext context)
à MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Builder.PipelineManager.ProcessContent(PipelineBuildEvent pipelineEvent)

Build 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Time elapsed 00:00:48.83.

Just what I suspected with the obj file. The FBX file is 1.6GB.

From Bad Allocation on large .obj-files · Issue #389 · assimp/assimp · GitHub, it seems the max size of an obj is around 600MB :confused: in 2014.
The current version of Assimp in MG is 3.3.1, but they have done a lot of fixes since then. I’m sure. I think. I hope…

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