Hello all,
First thing I’m sorry for not being too accurate with topic.
Problem is I don’t know what is a correct name for it.
So my problem is I currently have one view which I am using to move camera around my tile map, I also can point and click some objects and move them. What I wanted to add is some kind of space for other things like:
bottom menu (some kind of menu which you can find for example in strategy games, with buttons etc.) and also side window for showing some information.
My question is what is best solution to achieve that?
This is a very broad and high-level question to ask here. I don’t really know how to answer it
Are you asking about your class structure, or rather how to render such a menu, or for suggestions on a UI library or something else… ?
Sounds like you’re looking for UI / GUI library
What I wanted to add is some kind of space for other things like:
bottom menu (some kind of menu which you can find for example in strategy games, with buttons etc.) and also side window for showing some information.
Depending on what you mean by that you might also be looking for Viewports
to limit your scene rendering into a smaller region. If the UI / game-view split seen in Eye of the Beholder is sort of what you mean by “some kind of space” then Viewport
is what you use for part of it and a GUI library for the rest.
A drawing is often better than a thousand words
Hello guys,
Thank you for your time.
So the thing is I curently have something like this:
This will be place where the actual game will be done. You will be moving units etc.
At the bottom I would like to have a menu like the one you could find for example in Starcraft:
You can see there small map, stats etc.
So most part of this would be static.
I am not sure what is best aproach to do this?