Setting up problems on Windows 10

I’ve installed the latest version of VS MonoGame. Then i started VS2015, but there wasn’t MonoGame project template in Create a new project window, and i chose WinForms template. I added a reference to MonoGame (it was in the list of known installed frameworks), removed Form1 and copied some base project’s code from my old XNA game

static class Program
    static void Main()
        using (var game = new TestGame())

internal class TestGame : Game
    GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;

    public TestGame()
        Window.AllowUserResizing = true;
        graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
        Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
        graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1024;
        graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 600;

but it gets a NullReferenceException on this line:
public TestGame()

by the way, how to install MonoGame to another disk? there isn’t any “choose installation path” in the installator
and where i can find examples that the installator was going to install? i don’t see those in the MonoGame folder

I’ve noticed it not working with 2015 ether. I ignored it though because it still works fine on 2013 for me.

Basic 2015 support is in the 3.4 release.

However, for RTM UWP support, you’ll have to use the latest 3.5 DEV release which you can find on the MonoGame site download page.

Hope this helps