Setting up/Using MonoGame 3.8 Project Repository on different OS

I have a small question about managing a repository.

In MonoGame 3.7 I had a repository that contained a .NET standard library for the general code and several DesktopGL games that referenced the library. Once created, I could use the same branch on different operating systems. Opening the projects with Rider on both operating systems was no problem. I didn’t have to manage multiple branches and could program immediately.

Now with MonoGame 3.8 I get errors in my IDE when I create a project on Windows 10 and put it into my repository and later clone it on my ubuntu 18.04 machine. It’s like it doesn’t know what the basic references like “system” etc. are.
Conversely, I have the same problem. Creating a project on ubuntu 18.04 brings me errors in Windows 10.

I’ve never had a problem like this in 3.7. When I compare the two branches via GitHub, I don’t see any differences in configuration or anything else. I mean… I can’t find one… and the sample project is small… basically just the base repository. Is this normal behavior or am I missing something? :slight_smile:

I am new to this area and wondered what the problem could be?
The new version of MonoGame has made some changes. I know that

You can try MonoGame Kickstarter. I tested it and for me it worked to setup a project on Linux, push it to GitHub, clone it on Windows and finally open it up in Visual Studio and run it. So I guess with another IDE like Rider and the .NET Core CLI it should work too. You can find it here. Just clone it, and run it in bash. Use an optional parameter for the naming of the solution and the projects, e.g. ./ monogamemultiplatformsolution. It will create a folder monogamemultiplatformsolution together with a NetStandard library and an OpenGL project referencing it. Everything else will be taken care of. The OpenGL project will use the code and content from the NetStandard library. So if you want to modify the code and or add content look into the NetStandard project where you should find Game1.cs. You can add more projects later if you want by hand. If this works for you please leave feedback here or in the showcase thread MonoGame Kickstarter :slight_smile:


I thank you for your help.
I tried it and it worked well. I was immediately able to use the same repository on both operating systems.

Even starting the “broken” one worked fine. But when I switched branches, the “bug” reappeared. So … I just can’t imagine what the problem is.

Your solution is a great help to get started!
But I’m still hooked and need to know what else happened in my project :slight_smile: