Looking at how to deploy this to users.
Is there a silent install option?
Looking at how to deploy this to users.
Is there a silent install option?
Why would you want to do this? Users don’t need MG installed to play your games.
It’s not to play a game, it’s to write one.
This is at a University where one of the academics has requested we make the program available on our classroom PCs for the students to use.
What OS are the PCs using? On Linux you can use a script, but on Windows I think you can only install with the NSIS installer.
Windows 10…
If you are writing, then you can just use the MonoGame NuGet’s after you have created your project, then they don’t need to install MG it’self.
The only other reason they would need the MG install would be for the Content Pipeline project tool, which is only in the installer at the moment (a few have asked for that to be packaged separately). So long as they don’t need to edit / add content, then the NuGet’s would be all you need.
To use the NuGet’s simply:
1: Create a project using the MG templates (which it sounds like you have already)
2: Remove the MG references (just a precaution, not absolutely necessary but recommended)
3: Right-Click references and select “Manage NuGet Packages…”
4: Search for the MonoGame packages and install the version you need for your platform
Just rebuild your solution and then share the game folder. Only share the packages file in the packages folder with the solution, don’t’ need anything else in that folder. When others open your project, so long as they have NuGet installed (comes by default in 2013/2015) it will automatically download the latest packages on build.
Hope that helps.
But I know zero about MonoGame, I’m just trying to install it for others to use.
Traditionally we’ve installed all the packages on a PC taken a ghost image and deployed. Works (mostly) but is a pain to add or replace an program. New method is to package applications separately to deploy _ problem when the apps want to interact.
I haven’t talked directly to the end user but from what I understand while the MonoGame Pipleline might be useful the main way they use MonoGame is via the MonoGame templates in Visual Studio. The VS is a physical install (silent install) but the initial intention was for MonoGame to be virtual (AppV). Which means MonoGame can probably talk to VS but not visa versa, hence I was thinking if MonoGame could also be a physical (silent) install it would solve the problem.
I’m new to packaging as well which doesn’t help.
Latest attempt is to put a VS shortcut within the MonoGame virtual bubble and manually, at present, add the templates to users space. This doesn’t give me the errors I’ve previously had and I get a CornflowerBlue box on the screen, which it the limit of my ability to test.
This looks like what I was looking for.
The Silent Install options for the NSIS installer
/S Runs the installer in silent mode
/SD Complitely silent mode. Supress messageboxes.
/D Specifies the installation directory.