Hi. I’m a relative noob to MonoGame. I am looking for any simple 3d tuts similar to the Roll-A-ball tut for unity or anything similar to that. Or a 3d maze a first person controller can move through. Any suggestions at all will be much appreciated.
Are you just a noob to MonoGame, a noob to programming at all, etc?
It’s largely the same as anything with 2D, just now you have to deal with Quaternions (called rotators in Geometric/Clifford Algebras) instead of wanton vector rotation, etc. Stuff that was previously mostly hidden or fudged is now in your face - that’s really the only difference between 2d and 3d.
There’s so much grunt-work involved in a 3d anything demo for a relatively raw library like MonoGame that I’d think your best bet would be to grab the BEPUPhysicsDemo for MonoGame and mess around with that.
Edit: if you answered twice to the “noob” questions above maybe check out Urho3D? I wrote the DetourCrowd and initial PBR for it, it’s not as raw but still pretty metal.
Thanks for the advice, AF. I’m new to MonoGame and games programming but I’m a web dev so have experience in JS. I will certainly check out these things you mention.
You can also have a look at three.js to start learning 3D concepts with a language you already master