Hey everyone!
I wrote a method that can string dialogue that is made up of different spritefonts/bitmapfonts together seamlessly, allowing me to bold or italicize words in the middle of character dialogue. This requires me to do all sorts of surgery to strings and stringbuilders while knowing the width of the dialogue so far (including the spaces between words).
I recently began using Monogame.Extended for the nicer fonts, but I noticed that when I measure a single space the value returns as “1”. Then, I tried measuring the width of a couple things:
" " : 1px (single space)
“you” : 30px (word, no space)
“you " 32px (space after the word)
" you”: 35px (space before the word)
Maybe this is due to some setting in BMFont? I’m not sure. Any thoughts on why this might be measuring so inconsistently?