[SOLVED] Can't build Cross-Platform project

I installed the project templates inside of Visual Studios 2017 from my laptop and created MonoGame Cross Platform Desktop Project. When I tried to build and run, it throws an error:

“The MonoGamePlatform property was not defined in the project! It must be set to Windows, WindowsGL, WindowsStoreApp, WindowsPhone8, MacOSX, iOS, Linux, RaspberryPi, Android, Ouya, NativeClient, PlayStation4, or PlayStationMobile.”.

However, I can run the project on my computer running Visual Studios 2015.

I’m using Monogame 3.6

Hopefully someone knows the answer to this—

what’s the error it is throwing

The project won’t build and the error reads “The MonoGamePlatform property was not defined in the project! It must be set to Windows, WindowsGL, WindowsStoreApp, WindowsPhone8, MacOSX, iOS, Linux, RaspberryPi, Android, Ouya, NativeClient, PlayStation4, or PlayStationMobile.”

For some reason your .csproj file seems to be missing MonoGamePlatform entry… add the following code under the first <PropertyGroup>:


Wow. It works now. I changed the order and put the tag as the first entry in and it compiled.

Thank you so much for your help!