[SOLVED] My Enemies won't update? Help?

Edit: Hello! I just solved my problem, it just happens that I have forgotten to change
isReset bool back to false after reseting it therefore it was constantly reseting on update.

Hello, I’ve recently made a list on an enemies and whenever I reset/delete EnemyA’s list it won’t update or do movement, the enemies. Help? Thank you in advance to anyone who could help me/

Here’s the code:
Code for Reset, Add Enemy and the Update:

 public void Reset()
        playerLife = 1;
        playerScore = 0;

  public void AddEnemyA()
        EnemyA = new List<Scripts.EnemyA>();
        enemyRec = new List<Rectangle>();
        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;
        enemySpeed = 2; // 8 max speed 
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            Rectangle enemyR = new Rectangle(55 * i, 50, enemySize, enemySize);
            EnemyA.Add(new Scripts.EnemyA(enemyATexture, enemyR, enemySize, enemySpeed));


   public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
        //for gameStatus 
        if (playerLife <= 0)
            gameOver = true; Reset();
            gameOver = false;

        if (playerLife!= 0)
            //for enemy movements 
            foreach (Scripts.EnemyA eA in EnemyA)
    public void EnemyMovement()
        if (enemyRec.X >= 560)
            enemyRec.X = 550;
            Right = true;
        if (enemyRec.X <= -10)
            enemyRec.X = 0;
            Right = false;

        if (enemyRec.X <= 600 && Right == false) //going to Right 
            if (i == 2)
                enemyRec.X = enemyRec.X + enemySpeed; i = 0;

        if (enemyRec.X > -50 && Right == true) // to Left 
            if (i == 2)
                enemyRec.X = enemyRec.X - enemySpeed; i = 0;
