[Solved] No default importer TMX files

Continuing the discussion from [solved] Couldn't find a default importer for .tmx files:

Hi all,

Last week I build a tiled map for my game using arrays, I got into the problem that this eats all the RAM.
Therefore, I switched to the Monogame.Extended.Tiled solution and followed the installation instructions. I quickly ran into an error with the content pipeline. Namely that I cannot build the TMX files with the error code: Couldnt find a default importer for .txm files.

Some research got me to the linked topic which was full of information from half a year ago, to what might cause the errors.

I tried all the solutions in the topic in combination with both my own project and a new project, yet the issue remained.
Is this a new issue due to an update or am I overlooking something crucial

Opening the Content.mgcb file with and manually adding the references did the trick.
Under reference add:

/reference:..\..\[Your project]\MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline.dll
/reference:..\..\[Your project]\MonoGame.Extended.dll
/reference:..\..\[Your project]\MonoGame.Extended.Tiled.dll

Note the references should be in the main folder of the project.
Any other folder resulted in errors


Thank you so much. I spent ages faffing around with this over the past couple of days and this has resolved my issue!

Thank you so much. I spent ages faffing around with this over the past couple of days and this has resolved my issue! targetapk


Just wanted to add on here - if you still can’t get the Importers and Processors to work, be sure to upgrade to Visual Studio 2019. MonoGame.Extended 3.8.0 officially lists .NET Core 3.1 as a prerequisite, and versions of Visual Studio older than VS 2019 don’t support that. I spent quite a few hours trying to troubleshoot this, and the VS upgrade solved it immediately for me.