[Solved] Tearing Issues on Windows 10

There’s some pretty noticeable screen tearing happening in my game window on Windows 10. Here’s a pic demonstrating the issue:

(The red arrow points out an instance of the issue in case you’re having difficulty seeing it)

I’ve noticed that on another system running Windows 7, the error isn’t present. My Windows 10 machine is using an AMD Radeon™ R5 Graphics card, and my Windows 7 machine is using an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti graphics card.

I have no clue what could be causing this issue, or where to even start looking. My knowledge of how graphics cards and display adapters work and differ from system to system is very limited. What could potentially be causing this problem? Would it be possible for me to detect it in advance and adjust the game’s settings per system to cope with the system’s graphics device?

Out of curiosity, have you tried enabling vsync?

I did some digging and couldn’t find anything immediately related to something like this, so it leads me to believe there’s an issue with the GPU or display configuration. My old Radeon card had some issues with tearing (I now use a GTX 760).

Window… arent you by any chance running your game in window? Doesnt matter if with borders or borderless.

I have, but it didn’t seem to make much of a difference. If it’s a problem with the graphics card itself, then there’s probably not much I can do about it. I’ll investigate to see if the problem persists in other scenarios.

The game is indeed running in windowed mode. The problem doesn’t occur when running in fullscreen though. What could that imply about the issue?

That this is your issue right here, you have size of window exactly as your screen resolution (at least one, width or height), but window itself has border (it can be changed in MS Windows settings), that border is like 2-4 pixels thick, issue is that will force to resize what you are rendering (Render targets, back buffer) by 2-4 pixels… well, it is not exactly resize / rescale with linear sampling and that´s the issue, pixels that didnt fit are simply threw away and that´s your tearing. You can change borders in MS Win setting but your users will have same probable and wont do that, thus I recommend you to change windows resolution, just make it little bit smaller for example, or try using borderless (but double check if it hepled).

That was exactly the problem, thanks!