[SOLVED] Vertex-Color dependent FX Acting Strange in 3.8?

Looking for possible random suggestions.
I duplicated my code for my big project from VS2017 DesktopGL to VS2019 DesktopGL (3.8) and noticed everything works except the vertex-color value dependent fx have gone all wacky. The weird thing is they work for the first few seconds and then things start acting strangely (like suddenly there’s no vertex-color data being transferred). I’m not sure how this is possible. I’m gonna try baby-stepping until I can pinpoint exactly what’s causing the glitch. I find it so strange that it works right for the first few seconds.
Visual Studio 2019 itself wouldn’t be interfering eh? I do notice VS2019 lags like crazy even after stripping it down a bit.
Hmm… The shader code IS pretty complex - maybe I could try making simpler versions first and check out if anything could be going wrong with the vertex-buffer data updates in my quadbatch (since I think I might have adjusted something there). As usual - it’s probably my own fault and I forgot something ;p
Any tips or experience with anything like this?

Huh. So strange.
I rebooted the computer and did a project rebuild and now it works perfectly. Must’ve been some kind of glitch - maybe an extension caused an issue? I have no idea - it doesn’t make sense.

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Oh man, they are the worst bugs… glad it resolved :slight_smile:

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