I’ve made a basic point light shader, here you go
// our inputs per model
matrix World;
matrix WorldViewProj; //This is world * view * projection
// our inputs per change in lighting / draw
float3 CameraPosition;
float3 SunLightDirection;
float4 SunLightColor;
float SunLightIntensity;
#define MAXLIGHT 20
float3 PointLightPosition[MAXLIGHT];
float4 PointLightColor[MAXLIGHT];
float PointLightIntensity[MAXLIGHT];
float PointLightRadius[MAXLIGHT];
int MaxLightsRendered = 0;
Texture2D DiffuseTexture;
SamplerState textureSampler
MinFilter = linear;
MagFilter = Anisotropic;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;
//The inputs we need from the model
struct VertexShaderInput
float4 Position : SV_POSITION0;
float3 Normal : NORMAL0;
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct VertexShaderOutput
float4 Position : SV_POSITION0;
float3 Normal : NORMAL0;
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD2;
// Our Vertex Shader
VertexShaderOutput VertexShader(VertexShaderInput input)
VertexShaderOutput Output;
//Calculate the position on screen
Output.Position = mul(input.Position, WorldViewProj);
//Transform the normal to world space
Output.Normal = mul(float4(input.Normal, 0), World).xyz;
//UV coordinates for our textures
Output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
//The position of our vertex in world space
Output.WorldPos = mul(input.Position, World).xyz;
return Output;
// Our lighting equations
float4 CalcDiffuseLight(float3 normal, float3 lightDirection, float4 lightColor, float lightIntensity)
return saturate(dot(normal, -lightDirection)) * lightIntensity * lightColor;
float4 CalcSpecularLight(float3 normal, float3 lightDirection, float3 cameraDirection, float4 lightColor, float lightIntensity)
float3 halfVector = normalize(lightDirection + cameraDirection);
float specular = saturate(dot(halfVector, normal));
//I have all models be the same reflectance
float specularPower = 2;
return lightIntensity * lightColor * pow(abs(specular), specularPower);
// The squared length of a vector
float lengthSquared(float3 v1)
return v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y + v1.z * v1.z;
// Our pixel Shader
float4 PixelShader(VertexShaderOutput input)
float4 baseColor = DiffuseTexture.Sample(textureSampler, input.TexCoord);
float4 diffuseLight = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
float4 specularLight = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
//calculate our viewDirection
float3 cameraDirection = normalize(input.WorldPos - CameraPosition);
//calculate our sunlight
diffuseLight += CalcDiffuseLight(input.Normal, SunLightDirection, SunLightColor, SunLightIntensity);
diffuseSpecular += CalcSpecularLight(input.Normal, SunLightDirection, cameraDirection, SunLightColor, SunLightIntensity);
//calculate our pointLights
for (int i = 0; i < MaxLightsRendered; i++)
float3 PointLightDirection = input.WorldPos - PointLightPosition[i];
float DistanceSq = lengthSquared(PointLightDirection );
float radius = PointLightRadius[i];
if (DistanceSq < abs(radius * radius))
float Distance = sqrt(DistanceSq);
PointLightDirection /= Distance;
float du = Distance / (1 - DistanceSq / (radius * radius - 1));
float denom = du / abs(radius) + 1;
//The attenuation is the falloff of the light depending on distance basically
float attenuation = 1 / (denom * denom);
diffuseLight += CalcDiffuseLight(input.Normal, PointLightDirection, PointLightColor[i], PointLightIntensity[i]) * attenuation;
specularLight += CalcSpecularLight(input.Normal, PointLightDirection, cameraDirection, PointLightColor[i], PointLightIntensity[i]) * attenuation;
return diffuseLight * baseColor + diffuseSpecular;
technique BasicLightShader
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile vs_5_0 VertexShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_5_0 PixelShader();
Try it out and report back!
Note: In monogame you can add your shaders to your content pipeline and then load them like this
LightingEffect = content.Load(“FX/LightShader”);
Later for the models you can use them like this
Before calling MyModel.Draw()
You need to supply the shader with info like CameraPosition, SunLightColor etc. every time these change.
You can do this like this
LightingEffect.Parameters[“SunLightColor”].SetValue( _mySunLightColor);
alternatively you can store/use these parameter pointers like this
LightingEffectWorldViewProj = LightingEffect.Parameters[“WorldViewProj”];
LightingEffectWorldViewProj.SetValue(World * View * Projection);
The point lights I use like this:
_lightingEffectPointLightPosition = lightingEffect.Parameters[“PointLightPosition”];
_lightingEffectPointLightColor = lightingEffect.Parameters[“PointLightColor”];
_lightingEffectPointLightIntensity = lightingEffect.Parameters[“PointLightIntensity”];
_lightingEffectPointLightRadius = lightingEffect.Parameters["PointLightRadius"];
_lightingEffectMaxLightsRendered = lightingEffect.Parameters["MaxLightsRendered"];
_lightingEffectMaxLightsRendered.SetValue( lightsRendered);
For each point light you need to store :
Position (Vector3)
Color (Vector4 / Color)
Intensity (float)
Radius (float)
And save these value in an array like this
Vector3[] PointLightPosition = new Vector3[MaxLightsGpu];
to be able to pass it onto the gpu like this
I hope this basic set up helped you.