support for devices monogame

Hi Guys,

Recently I have converted my small XNA game(Cars by Bhupesh) to a monogame for android.But I am facing some issues.I have tested my game in samsung galaxy star advance having android version 4.4.It is working as expected.
But its not working in my friend’s device which is also having same android version 4.4.
Even its not working in any other version of android.

Could you please help me…

Did you deploy a debug or release build to their device? Debug builds use a shared Mono runtime that is installed separately by Xamarin when debugging on the device. Release builds have the required Mono runtime built in to the package and are self contained.

Thanks for replying.

I have already published using release mode.Its probably due to sclaing for different size screens .
Could you please give me some advises about these scaling and touch input …so that it support in all devices.