Hello, I’ve installed many of the monogame.extended frameworks through nuget but the tiled extension does not contain the tiled renderer, I’ve tried building from the source off github as well but I keep getting build errors about the .Net target. I’m new to windows and have the frameworks running fine on mac, any help would be great!
The Tiled code has changed a lot over the years. You might be reading a tutorial for an older or newer version.
The latest version is actually pre-release 3.6.0-beta0001
Try installing that one and see how you go. You might need to click the “pre-release” checkbox in Visual Studio.
I’m trying to get into the habit of writing up tutorials on all this stuff but it does take quite a bit of time to do each one and I can only really do 1 or 2 per week. I’ll be putting them on the new website.