TiledMap MonoGame Extend: The content file was not found

Hey. So I am creating my first level in Tiled just to experiment. After saving the file and adding it to the MonoGame Content pipeline it looks like this:

And the code looks like this:

When I run I get this error:
Exception thrown: ‘Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException’ in MonoGame.Framework.dll
An unhandled exception of type ‘Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException’ occurred in MonoGame.Framework.dll
Additional information: The content file was not found.

Being new to visual studio I am currently not sure how to get more about the exception. The Content.mgcb when represented as a text file looks like this:

Any Idea whats wrong. Its driving me crazy.

So I am feeling pretty silly. I thought I had seen in a tutorial that you uses a Dot notation for the passed in file path.

Cool. I’m glad you figured it out.

Just to be clear, the solution was to change this line:

TiledMap map = Content.Load<TiledMap>("levels.level");


TiledMap map = Content.Load<TiledMap>("levels/level");

For anyone else running across this post.