Trouble Installing Nez

I recently discovered Nez, and wanted to try it out. I followed the GitHub installation guide, (I’ve downloaded the repository, added it to my solution, and added a reference to it in my project), but when I attempt to inherit the Core class in my Game1 class, it says that “Game” cannot be found (when Game is being inherited instead of Core, there are no errors). I tried adding a reference to MonoGame.Framework.dll to Nez (from the monogame.framework.portable folder), but it says “The reference is invalid or unsupported.”

I might be wrong, but it doesn’t seem like Nez has “access” to MonoGame, as in the Core class in the Nez project, where Core is inheriting from Game, Game is not green like all of the other classes. Also, all of the using statements for XNA stuff is greyed out (I don’t know if this actually means anything, though, I’m just guessing).

I’m using MonoGame 3.8 (and a cross-platform desktop project), and Visual Studio 2019. Am I doing something stupid, like did I install the wrong thing for Nez, or am I trying to reference the wrong dll for Nez? (I’ve only been using MonoGame/Visual Studio for three months, so I am still a beginner)