Unable to migrate my game to 3.8 on Windows (Android ok)

I followed the instructions specified here:

My project file looks like this:

    <Reference Include="MonoGame.Framework">     

So I replaced that with:

    <PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Framework.Windows" Version="" />
    <PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Content.Builder.Task" Version="" />

Problem is that Monogame.Framework.Windows NuGet package doesn’t exist.
I assumed that I need to use Monogame.Framework.WindowsDX or Monogame.Framework.DesktopGL, but if I do that, my project doesn’t compile because it can’t find
any XNA references.

For Android I didn’t have any issues, because I replaced it with Monogame.Framework.Android and
it was found and compiled ok.

What am I missing? Thanks.

I checked my working 3.8 project (not migrated) and it has Monogame.Framework.DesktopGL nuget package included (version v3.8.0.1641)

It uses these using statements without any compile errors:
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;

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Thanks. It turned out that I need to do what is under “WindowsDX and DesktopGL”
instead of “Other Platforms” for Windows.

It works now for WindowsDX. For DesktopGL it compiles but the resolution is all messed up. Not sure why.

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You need to set the resolution in the Initialize method for DesktopGL instead of the constructor. It’s a known issue.

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@Synammon Awesome. Thanks!!