I can’t get touch location with my physical Windows Phone in the area which normally would be occupied by the StatusBar, I have set Game.IsFullscreen to true. I even tried to hide the StatusBar the way one would normally hide it in a UWP app. The error only occurs on my physical phone, on the virtual emulators this works as it should.
My Windows Phone:
Lumia 820
Windows 10 10.0.10586.107
Screen dimensions 800 x 480
This is a technical preview of W10 as it is not else available for Lumia 820.
The touch is however recognized when I drag from another part of the screen towards the area under the StatusBar.
Another thing that I noticed is that getting the resolution depends somehow on the orientation. How I get the resolution:
var bounds = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().VisibleBounds;
var scaleFactor = (float)DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().ResolutionScale / 100f;
var size = new Size(bounds.Right * scaleFactor, bounds.Bottom * scaleFactor);
When I have selected in the appmanifest that the orientation should either be Portrait or Portrait-Flipped the code above gives 480 x 800 as the result. When I have specified that the orientation should be Landscape or Landscape-Flipped the result is 734 x 480. Quite weird?
This makes me believe that the StatusBar is somehow handled differently in landscape orientation. The touch problem does however occur in both orientations. And the area that is affected is always the area where the StatusBar would be if it was visible. Hopefully this problem is only related to my phone.
Any thoughts or solutions to this problem?