Visual Studio Team Recommends Monogame

Back in March 2013 someone named Charles Jackson shared an idea on the Visual Studio User Voice service asking for XNA to be continued into version 5.

I completely forgot I’d added my vote to this.

Well, today (in fact less than 2 hours before I’m writing this) I received an email from VS Team in response to this, only 2 years after it was originally posted!

Here’s a link to the page.

While they do suggest some others, I find interesting is they actually suggested Monogame as the first alternative to XNA.

I think is a good sign of what Monogame has become for the Indie market.


We’re not too surprised as many MS people are fans of MonoGame. Still it is a big thing to get that acknowledgement.

We tweeted about it too…

Please retweet it.


C#, .NET, Visual Studio 2010 / 2015, XNA, and Windows / Xbox are quite the team. MonoGame’s extension to the XNA frameworks is a testament to how awesome they are! The open sourced nature allows applications to be developed anywhere and deployed everywhere for unprecedented audience reach…