VS 2012 and WP8 SDK with patched XNA extension to support deployment for WP7 and Xbox

I recently needed to do some Windows Phone 7 XNA developing on Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 Professional. I already had WP 7/7.1/8 SDK installed + updated XNA extension from here ( https://msxna.codeplex.com/releases ).

However, I found out that on VS 2012 deploying to device is not supported and Windows and Xbox projects do not work. So I decided to create a small patch that makes possible to create and deploy WP7 and Xbox projects in Visual Studio 2012.


  1. Install Visual Studio 2012
  2. Install Windows Phone SDK 7 and 7.1
  3. Install Windows Phone SDK 8
  4. Download and unpack patch ( https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/b4k1lkjrdfoqh4n/XNA%20Extension%20Patch.zip?dl=1 )
  5. Copy the patch content to “VS Installation Directory\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft
  6. Run “devenv /setup”