I am running VS 2017 on Win10 with Monogame 3.7.
I can use break points fine almost anywhere in my game except in a particular piece of code where if I am using a breakpoint both VS and the game window hang and I need to kill the game process to get VS to respond again. Anywhere else is fine.
This is in one of my scene’s update loop
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
if (mouseInputManager.LeftButtonReleased)
PathFinder pathfinder = new PathFinder(pathFindingWeightedGraph);
IPathFindingLocation target = pathFindingWeightedGraph.GetPathFindingLocationAtScenePosition(mouseInputManager.Position);
IPathFindingLocation start = pathFindingWeightedGraph.GetPathFindingLocationAtScenePosition(
((TransformComponent)EntityManager.GetComponentForEntity("prototypeCrewMember", "Transform")).SceneRelativePosition);
Debug.WriteLine("Target : " + target.ScenePosition);
Debug.WriteLine("Start : " + start.ScenePosition);
generalDebugUIWidget.AddColorBlockToDraw(target.ScenePosition, new Vector2(15, 15), Color.Black);
generalDebugUIWidget.AddColorBlockToDraw(start.ScenePosition, new Vector2(15, 15), Color.Black);
If I put a breakpoint anywhere in the if statement I have the problem as soon as the if returns true (when I click somewhere in the game screen).
Anyone has an idea what could be happening ?