WarSphere goes gold and releases tomorrow

Hello community!

My game, WarSphere, releases tomorrow on Steam for PC:

Its been a long journey and my biggest thanks goes to this community and especially the ones that invest time in improving Monogame. Also I’ve been very happy to see the news about the monogame foundation! Congrats to that.

The base game is free. So if you wish, check it out. There is no microtransactions, but a DLC that people can buy to unlock further content. A streamer that I’ve talked to lately to compared the release strategy with an “old-fashioned Doom Shareware concept” :smiley: I don’t agree, but I found it amusing.

More information about the games concept + why I chose to go with monogame, can be found in my other thread from last year.

Happy to hear your feedback or questions if you have any!