Monogame is more of a framework then a full-blown engine, and as such I’ve found that professional developers usually use other tools to aid in their development process. A great example of this is Celeste (made in Monogame), where the devs used or created a myriad of tools to develop the game (check out the list at
So, my question extends to you guys. What do you use? What have you found improves your development process or speeds up your workflow?
TexturePacker - To pack textures into larger texture atlases
MonoGame - Rendering, audio & input
Some Unnamed Internal Game Engine - Built on top of MonoGame, contains a bunch of stuff including scene graph, materials, batching, scene management, input handling, PUB / SUB messaging, display objects such sprites, animated sprites, spine etc,
Some Bitmap Font editor - Whatever the arist prefers, sometimes BMFont, another good free one is littera
Asana - For bug tracking, general project management etc.
Gitea: self-hosted source code repo + bug tracking; see my setup here. My main engine is open-source, but I have a private repo (set up as a git submodule) for all the platform-specific code & for game content (since third-party art & music usually has licenses that prevent open-source redistribution).
GuitarPro for noodling around with music ideas, not necessarily because it’s the best tool for the job, but because I play guitar and it was the tool I had already paid for. I haven’t gotten far enough along in my project yet to decide whether I’ll try to write my own music or to pay someone else to do it
I use Visual Studio 2019 for most development on the game itself, but Sublime Text for writing miscellaneous utilities (Python scripts, etc). I’m mostly a Linux / command-line person, so even though I use VS for development & building, all of the “other stuff” (git, code search, managing assets, etc) is done within a WSL Ubuntu container.
I use TexturePacker too (already mentioned) and in the past I used PhysicsEditor, also from Code & web. It worked very well combined with Farseer, but that was quite some time ago (Aether.Physics2D would be my choice now for 2D)
I been using MagicaVoxel too, it’s very nice for creating voxel models, and if you count a physics library as an external tool, right now I’m also using Bepu.
Ooh, one more – the Celeste level editor is called Ogmo, and they released an open-source “community edition” of it:
This was mentioned in the “Celeste tools” post as “something we’re hoping to release after launch” – well, it’s been released as of a ~year ago. I noodled around with it a bit today and it seemed pretty useful for anyone who wants to build a tile-based 2D world.
Bryce : for SkyBox creation and terrain creation Obj/Heightmap. MilkShape : for Model animation. Delgine CE : for lightmapping and level creation. GIMP : for normal map creation. Audacity : for audio editing.