What is the correct (recommended) way to drag a sprite around using touch input?

Sup guys (novice gamedev building first game :D) im struggling to drag around a very basic sprite. Done a bit of research and regardless of whether i use the GestureType.FreeDrag enum or just use the TouchCollection implementation - im not 100% able to get the desired effect.

With both implementations for some weird reason im not able to drag the sprite back from its starting position (so in other words i can move positively along the x and y axis but never negatively).

Any feedback is welcome - thanks.

Note: The IsPressed bool is just so i can snap back to the position the sprite was in

public override void Update()
        if (TouchCollection.Count > 0)
            foreach (var touch in TouchCollection)
                if (SpriteSurface.Contains(touch.Position))
                    IsPressed = true;

                    XPosition = touch.Position.X;
                    YPosition = touch.Position.Y;

        if (TouchCollection.Count == 0)
            IsPressed = false;

Alternative implementation

public override void Update()
        while (TouchPanel.IsGestureAvailable)
            var touch = TouchPanel.ReadGesture();

            if (SpriteSurface.Contains(touch.Position))
                IsPressed = true;

                if (touch.GestureType == GestureType.FreeDrag)
                    if (touch.Delta.X >= 0 || touch.Delta.X < 0)
                        XPosition = touch.Position.X;

                    if (touch.Delta.Y >= 0 || touch.Delta.Y < 0)
                        YPosition = touch.Position.Y;

        if (TouchCollection.Count == 0)
            IsPressed = false;