WindowsGL compile effects error d3dcompiler_43.dll

Hello everyone,

i’m programing a little 3D game, and i want to build my custom effects (such as Shadow effect) with the Content Pipeline.

My Content Pipeline works properly with Textures and models but when I want to compile an effect (shader), it throw me an error : Cannot load DLL ‘d3dcompiler_43.dll’: The specified module could not be found. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x8007007E)

Did you know how to fix this error, because it’s a little boring :confused:

I’m working with Windows 8.

I tryied to do the same thing on a Windows 7, and it works without problems. But now i’m developping the game on a Windows 8 so I have this error…


You probably don’t have directx installed, install this:


I have DirectX installed on my computer, but i reinstalled it and it works fine now :slight_smile:

Thanks !