Xamarin 5.2.1 with Monogame Android


i come from Visual Studio and XNA/Monogame.
I bought an Xamarin Indie licence for Xamarin Studio cause i cant afford 1000 Dollar (lol) to make games in my spare time :smiley:
However, i tryed to create an Android Monogame Project.
Ive tryed it via Github and the mpack file but i alwas quits with the error ā€œFailed to create desired format, falling back to defaultsā€
I also tryed it with diferent Android Versions and even on my Phone (Samsung S4)

What am i doin wrong here ???
The lack of instructions is a hellā€¦

Youā€™re not doing anything wrong, itā€™s just that no one compiled monogame for xamarin studio 5 on windows, Iā€™ll probably try to compile it tomorrow, and if I manage to do anything, Iā€™ll post it here

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So many thanks to you !!!

This addin should work for you. Iā€™ve adapted it from one I found in these forums (I think). The only version thatā€™s up to date is the Android version, but since thatā€™s the one you want, weā€™re good :smile:


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Oh, it does seem to work, I donā€™t have xamarin account so I canā€™t completely test it, where did you find it?, also, should I still compile monogame for windows?


thanks for your reply and addin!
I Added it and tryed to debug an empty Project.
The error i got before is now gone but it wont work too.

This are the last lines i get:

[Choreographer] Skipped 41 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
[MonoGame] MonoGameAndroidGameView.CreateFrameBuffer
[MonoGame] Creating Color: 32 (8888), Depth: 24, Stencil: 0, Accum:32 (8888)
[MonoGame] Creating Color: 16 (5650), Depth: 24, Stencil: 0, Accum:16 (5650)
[MonoGame] Creating Color: 0 (0000), Depth: 24, Stencil: 0, Accum:0 (0000)
[MonoGame] Creating Color: 32 (8888), Depth: 16, Stencil: 0, Accum:32 (8888)
[MonoGame] Creating Color: 16 (5650), Depth: 16, Stencil: 0, Accum:16 (5650)
[MonoGame] Creating Color: 0 (0000), Depth: 16, Stencil: 0, Accum:0 (0000)
[MonoGame] Creating default mode
[MonoGame] Creating Color: 0 (0000), Depth: 0, Stencil: 0, Accum:0 (0000)

then the Emulator (4.2.2) says ā€œapp isnt respondingā€
It also wont work on my phone.

Do i have to make additional changes to the code !?

@cra0zy it should work for Windows although it has an older DLL. Probably replacing with newer versions should do it.

@the_macaroni_ with just that I canā€™t tell whatā€™s going on. What emulator are you using? If itā€™s the normal emulators you may need to enable GPU acceleration.

Here is a Screen of the plain Simulator i use:

Im starting to feel like a fish out of water!
Cant be so hard get a Monogame Android Project runningā€¦

Can you use http://imgur.com/ to host the image?

I havenā€™t tried using the stock emulator that comes with android. I use the free version of http://www.genymotion.com/ and havenā€™t had issue so far, (other than sound in 2.3.7 but thatā€™s for another day)

Sure: http://imgur.com/w4EIgSS

Ill try that Emulator later this day but when i copy the Project to my phone it wont work too.
It should work in the phone , or am i wrong !?

It should work. Try to click the option that says ā€œUse Host GPUā€ and see if it works. What exception are you getting?

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Oh man i love you so much :smile: So many thanks to you
It works on the Genymotion Emulator!
Made an Samsung S4.

Can i ask you another question?
I have the same phone as i emulate, but on the phone it wont start.
I copied the whole debug Folder to my phone and installed it via "xy_trusted.apk "but when i click on the app it immadeately says ā€œxy stoppedā€

Go to settings on your phone, find developer options and enable usb debugging. Install your phones driver on pc. Now you should be able to launch directly to your phone instead of an emulator from xamarin studio.

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Ah ok that works! But why cant i copy the apx and install the application manualy !?

Thanks for all your replys and time!
I guess i have to learn a lot new things now =)

Edit: Maybe the Addin and usefull hints fshould be pinned somewhere so users like me with no Android expirience have a little tutorialā€¦ !?

Iā€™m not sure why you canā€™t copy the apk, Iā€™ve never used monogame on android so I canā€™t test that part. Try this: http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/deployment,_testing,and_metrics/publishing_an_application/part_1-_preparing_an_application_for_release/