XML Importer and TiledMap


I am pretty new to game programming, and am trying my best to build a little ECS engine just to get some basics correctly.

The ECS simply loads an XML file (a basic XnaContent type file) with Monogame’s Content Pipeline, and adds a few objects into an array.

Everything works fine, except when I add a public ( or event private) TiledMap property to one of my components (which is then loaded in the XML file specified above). Then the Content Importer throws an error that I cannot understand. The error says: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.InvalidContentException: Type 'ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components.TiledMapComponent' is not assignable to 'ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components.BaseComponent'.

As soon as I remove the TiledMap property, everything builds fine. I have tried to use the ContentSerializerIgnore attribute, and it doesn’t change anything.

Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance ! :slightly_smiling:

Here is a sample of my XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <Asset Type="System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[ProjectRabbit.ECS.Entity, ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components.BaseComponent[]]">
			<Item Type="ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components.PositionComponent"></Item>
			<Item Type="ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components.SpeedComponent">
				<Speed>0 0</Speed>
			<Item Type="ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components.SpriteComponent">
			<Item Type="ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components.PlayerControlledComponent">
			<Item Type="ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components.MapLayerComponent">
			<Item Type="ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components.TiledMapComponent">

And here the “TiledMapComponent” that breaks everything:

using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using MonoGame.Extended.Maps.Tiled;

namespace ProjectRabbit.ECS.Components
	public class TiledMapComponent: BaseComponent
		public String MapName;

		private TiledMap TiledMap;

		public TiledMapComponent ()

		public TiledMapComponent (String MapName)
			this.MapName = MapName;

		public void SetTileMap(TiledMap Map)
			this.TiledMap = Map;

		public TiledMap GetTileMap()
			return this.TiledMap;

Nevermind, found a workaround ! All I had to do is switch the property from TiledMap type to object :slightly_smiling: