XNA 4.0 Samples for Visual Studio Gallery

Just skimming through someof my old XNA posts and came across this post. Ignore the links, in there as they are super out of date, but, it seems these XNA 4.0 samples are still being hosted my MS here.

Wonder if it’s worth re creating them for MG?


Yes, please!

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If you find somewhere to put them, I will help out porting them.

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lol, well, I was just pointing out that they are there, but I guess I could pull them down, re do them in MG and either look at re submitting them to the Gallery, or hosting them on a Git Repo. A few of them on the gallery are mine any way and I am sure I recreated them in my Samples Git repo too.

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Well let me know what you decide to do, I will help if you want me to.

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