XNA books for Monogame will work?

Hi this is my first post and I hope you could answer my question, I wanna Know about books for monogame. I always prefer books instead online tutorials. I have some XNA books, but I don’t know if those books will help me out to study monogame correctly and efficiently. This are the books:

  • Learning XNA 4.0: Game Development for the PC, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone 7 by Aaron Reed (Amazon)

  • Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0: Learn Programming Now! by Rob Miles (Amazon)

So, I want to getting started but I need to Know if I could trust in these books…

I didn’t find any books about monogame, Will you Help me out?. Thanks in advance, GoodBye…

There isn’t a huge amount of documentation for Monogame which worried me at first however I have found that searching online then using the XNA topics I find can be applied to Monogame. So yes I would say those books would be helpful particularly if you are targeting the Windows platform.

I will use monogame for its crossplatform capacity, but so far I’m using Visual Studio 2013 and yes… windows for now and for practices. Thanks for your answer.

Any book written for XNA Game Studio 4.0 (Kurt’s books come to mind) will work fine for MonoGame.

The only big difference is the content builder projects which need to be built separately in MonoGame, where they were more integrated in XNAGS.
Everything else is pretty much the same.

Also MG have a new samples repository which shows best practice for building a true multi-platform title, worth checking out.
There are samples for the current 3.2 release (master) and the 3.2 in development work and pre-release NuGet’s (develop)

you can find code samples here as well for xna most of which will convert right over

I updated the source for my 2007 book with each new release of XNA. Never updated the text, though. Not pimping my book at all. Just pointing you to more XNA 4.x examples (on my blog, which is also horribly out of date).

XNA 4.x Samples on my blog