xnaparticles MonoGame port, failure in compiling shader .fx file

Hi All,

I am new MonoGame, Shaders and HLSL. Still learning by trying out sample code as well as programming simple games.

I have ported the Millions of HLSL Particles in XNA sample, using its code found in google code repository xnaparticles.

the compilation of the sharer file particle.fx is failing with the following error message and I can’t figure out what is the issue there, although this shader file is quite simple.
X4509 (34, 14): maximum register index exceeded, target has 0 slots, manual bind to slot s1 failed

My port is found in my GitHub in the following repository xnaparticles MonoGame port
It can be downloaded and compiled instantly with latest Visual Studio and MonoGame 3.6

your help would be appreciated in resolving and understanding this Contect pipeline compilation error.

#define SV_Position POSITION
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_3_0
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_3_0
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_4_0_level_9_1
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_4_0_level_9_1

//float4x4 view;
//float4x4 proj;
//float4x4 world;
float4x4 WVP;

//float sizeModifier : PARTICLE_SIZE = 5.5f;

//float screenHeight = 720;

//particle texture
Texture2D textureMap : register(t0);
Texture2D positionMap : register(t1);

//SamplerState textureSampler : register(s0);
SamplerState textureSampler : register(s0)
MipFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = CLAMP;
AddressV = CLAMP;

//SamplerState positionSampler : register(s1);
SamplerState positionSampler : register(s1)
MipFilter = NONE;
MinFilter = POINT;
MagFilter = POINT;
AddressU = CLAMP;
AddressV = CLAMP;

struct VertexShaderInput
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR0;

struct VertexShaderOutput
float4 pos : SV_Position;
float4 color : COLOR0;

struct VS_INPUT {
float4 vertexData : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR0;

struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR0;
//float Size : PSIZE0;

struct PS_INPUT
float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : COLOR0;

VS_OUTPUT Transform(in VS_INPUT In)

float4 realPosition = positionMap.SampleLevel( positionSampler, In.vertexData.xy, 0 );

realPosition.w = 1;
Out.position = mul(realPosition, WVP);

Out.color = In.color;
//Out.Size = sizeModifier * proj._m11 / Out.position.w * screenHeight / 2;
//Out.Size = 1;
return Out;

float4 ApplyTexture(PS_INPUT input) : COLOR
//float4 col=tex2D(textureSampler, pos) * input.color;
float4 col = textureMap.Sample(textureSampler, input.texCoord) * input.color;

return col;

technique TransformAndTexture
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile VS_SHADERMODEL Transform();
PixelShader = compile PS_SHADERMODEL ApplyTexture();

Never used? So sv_position is nowhere called? error is self explantory.

Vertex textures are not supported in Shader Model 2, so you need a higher compilation target (like vs_4_0). You’ll also need to set the GraphicsProfile to HiDef if you use 4_0 or up. Note that vs_4_0_level_9_1 is actually Shader Model 2, so it’s kind of the same as vs_2_0.