Im just curious if anyone know of any resources regarding 2.5d rendering using monogame. Im thinking smt in the style of this https://youtu.be/A7txKkBkgXg?si=xr5enIaZ8SfIcLli&t=249 where you essentially just angle the sprites towards the camera.
Any documentation, examples, github projects or other resources on this would be much appriciated!
It’s called “billboarding”, so you know exactly what to search for. You could easily do this after learning the basics of 3D programming. See MG docs, various XNA and/or MonoGame books, etc for “getting started with 3D programming” type stuff. I’d personally recommend the 3D section (2nd half) of “Learning XNA 4.0” by Dr. Aaron Reed to get a spelled out jump on how to understand matrices/cameras/etc basics and how to draw a simple 2D texture to a couple polys in 3D space.