I created a 3D Camera System that allow (YAW, PITCH, ROLL, FOV).
I hope i can anyone help!
Create Camera:
// FOV = 80, Pos = new Vector3(0, 100, 200), LookDirection = Vector3.Forward.
this._camera = new Camera(this.GraphicsDevice, 80, new Vector3(0, 100, 200), Vector3.Forward);
public class Camera {
private GraphicsDevice _graphicsDevice;
public Matrix View { get; private set; }
public Matrix Projection { get; private set; }
private Matrix _world;
private readonly float _nearPlaneDistance = 0.05f;
private readonly float _farPlaneDistance = 1000f;
private float _fov;
public float Yaw { get; private set; }
public float Pitch { get; private set; }
public float Roll { get; private set; }
public Camera(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, float fov, Vector3 pos, Vector3 lookDirection) {
this._graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;
this.FieldOfViewDegrees = fov;
this.Position = pos;
this.Forward = lookDirection;
* Get / Set FOV
public float FieldOfViewDegrees {
get => this._fov;
set {
this._fov = value;
* Get / Set Position
public Vector3 Position {
get => this._world.Translation;
set {
this._world.Translation = value;
* Get / Set Forward Vector
public Vector3 Forward {
get => this._world.Forward;
set => this.SetWorldAndView(value);
* Set World and View Matrix
private void SetWorldAndView(Vector3 forward) {
this._world = Matrix.CreateWorld(this._world.Translation, forward, Vector3.Up);
this.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(this._world.Translation, this._world.Forward + this._world.Translation, this._world.Up);
* Update FOV
private void UpdatePerspective(float fovInDegrees) {
float aspectRatio = this._graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / (float) this._graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height;
this.Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(fovInDegrees * (3.14159265358F / 180F), aspectRatio, this._nearPlaneDistance, this._farPlaneDistance);
* Tag a Pos on that the Camera should look
public void TargetPositionToLookAt(Vector3 targetPosition) {
this.SetWorldAndView(Vector3.Normalize(targetPosition - this._world.Translation));
* To stop Rendering things that not watchable
public BoundingFrustum GetBoundingFrustum() {
return new BoundingFrustum(this.View * this.Projection);
* Move Camera (Normally Tagged to the Player with Position)
public void Move(GameTime time, int speed = 30) {
this.Position += (this._world.Forward * speed) * (float) time.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
* Rotate Camera
public void Rotate(float yaw, float pitch, float roll) {
this.Yaw = yaw % 360;
this.Pitch = Math.Clamp(pitch, -90, 90);
this.Roll = roll % 360;
Matrix rotation = Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(MathHelper.ToRadians(this.Yaw), MathHelper.ToRadians(this.Pitch), 0);
this.View *= Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(this.Roll));