Got a nice plumber to come around and ‘cough’ plug it up ‘cough’ sorry, bad pun…
I am in the North… West… of the UK lol
Thank you !
Just got to figure out what to do about the asbestos… and the remainder of the ceiling… yes, my eyes are irritated lately… which is handy… hence why I have all but put everything on pause again, but I really want to start making videos and demonstrations for MG and games and an engine… I bought a 4K camera just for said purpose…
Purchased a lot of container boxes as an actual container is prohibitively expensive… [It was double my budget], hopefully I can find a resolve, will try making calls tomorrow to find out costings and such to at least fix the ceiling that was destroyed…
It’s just one giant mess, the bathroom floor is also warped
Thank you 2020, for a great year… [sarcasm]
While I do now have a pro github account, I do wish there was a more direct method to login… as logging in on mobile was a pain for a while… have to authenticate, switch apps, mess up face ID, that takes time, locks out, kicks me back to a dead page, authentication fails, try again, type password, OTP messes up, 2FA hates you, page fails to load, hits you with a lockout for too many attempts, then hits you with a failed reCAPTCHA, reload, then it shows you nonsense… ‘sigh’
/Apologies for Off-Topic discussion