My iOS content project was depending on MGSpriteFontDescriptionProcessor to build localized fonts. And it seems not available in the latest MG source. What should I do about this situation?
Seems it has been changed into MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline\Processors\FontDescriptionProcessor…
Correct. The old content pipeline extensions that used the XNA content build pipeline have been deprecated in favour of our own content build pipeline. See the content pipeline docs for more information.
Thanks @KonajuGames ! Is there any chance to do it the old school way (i.e. with a content pipeline project in Visual Studio)? It is simply because that I found the new pipeline tool a little hard to use.
For example, regarding custom processors, the doc says is kind of confusing: “The first step is removing all Microsoft.Xna.Framework.XXX references and replacing them with references to MonoGame.Framework and MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline. This is required as you will no longer be building against Microsoft XNA.” So for the localized font processor, which MonoGame.Framework project files should I choose as reference? (because there are so many project files for so many platforms)
Another issue I have encountered is with output. If a content file is “added as link” from another folder, the built file stays outside the current folder, which makes it very cumbersome to collect the built files.
In your content pipeline extension project, you will add a reference to C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\MonoGame\v3.0\MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline.dll.
The current project templates generate a csproj that automatically builds the Content.mgcb file and copies the output files into the correct place.
Hi @KonajuGames, thanks so much for your help! What do you mean by “The current project templates generate a csproj that automatically builds the Content.mgcb file and copies the output files into the correct place”? I didn’t see any content pipeline template when I tried to create a new project in Visual Studio…
Another question: how do I change an existing custom content processor project’s target platform to “Any CPU” according to the docs? There are only three built-in options: x86, Zune and Xbox360. The only way I can think of is to manually edit the project file using a text editor – if that is the case, is there any template I can use as reference?
Also when I tried using the x86 version of my custom content processor to build iOS content in Visual Studio, some error popped up saying “error loading pipeline assembly ‘(custom content processor directory)\bin\x86\Release\SharpFont.dll’”. Not sure if this has something to do with the target platform thing…