I’m trying to draw multiple objects to the same shadow map, and later use it for 2 different shaders, but the result is a red screen.
I’m trying to do it like this:
This is the shadow map shader
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_3_0
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_3_0
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_4_0
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_4_0
float4x4 WVP;
struct VertexShaderInput
float4 Position : POSITION0;
struct VertexShaderOutput
float4 Position : POSITION0;
float2 depth : TEXCOORD0;
VertexShaderOutput VertexShaderFunction(VertexShaderInput input)
VertexShaderOutput output;
output.Position = mul(input.Position, WVP);
output.depth = output.Position.zw;
return output;
float4 PixelShaderFunction(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
return input.depth.x /input.depth.y;
// Technique for creating the shadow map
technique CreateShadowMap
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile VS_SHADERMODEL VertexShaderFunction();
PixelShader = compile PS_SHADERMODEL PixelShaderFunction();
This is one of the objects rendering shader (with light information)
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_3_0
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_3_0
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_4_0
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_4_0
matrix World;
matrix View;
matrix Projection;
matrix WorldInverseTransposeMatrix;
matrix LightsWorldViewProjection;
float3 CameraPosition;
float3 SunLightDirection;
float4 SunLightColor;
float SunLightIntensity;
#define MAXLIGHT 20
float3 PointLightPosition[MAXLIGHT];
float4 PointLightColor[MAXLIGHT];
float PointLightIntensity[MAXLIGHT];
float PointLightRadius[MAXLIGHT];
int MaxPointLightsRendered = 0;
int MaxSpotLightsRendered = 0;
float3 SpotLightDirection[MAXLIGHT];
float3 SpotLightPosition[MAXLIGHT];
float3 SpotLightViewDirection[MAXLIGHT];
//float4 SpotLightColor[MAXLIGHT];
float SpotLightCutOff[MAXLIGHT];
float SpotLightOuterCutOff[MAXLIGHT];
float4 SpotLightDiffuse[MAXLIGHT];
float4 SpotLightSpecular[MAXLIGHT];
float SpotLightRadius[MAXLIGHT];
Texture2D ColorMapTexture;
Texture2D ShadowMapTexture;
sampler2D ColorMap = sampler_state
Texture = <ColorMapTexture>;
MagFilter = Linear;
MinFilter = Anisotropic;
MipFilter = Linear;
MaxAnisotropy = 16;
sampler ShadowMap = sampler_state
Texture = <ShadowMapTexture>;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = clamp;
AddressV = clamp;
struct VertexShaderInput
float4 Position : POSITION0;
float2 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0;
float4 Normal : NORMAL0;
struct VertexShaderOutput
float4 Position : SV_POSITION;
float4 Normal : NORMAL0;
float2 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0;
float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD1;
float4 Pos2DAsSeenByLight : TEXCOORD2;
float4 AmbientColor = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
float AmbientIntensity = 0.1;
float4 GlobalAmbient = float4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
VertexShaderOutput MainVS(VertexShaderInput input)
VertexShaderOutput Output;
// Calculate the position on screen
float4x4 wvp = mul(World, mul(View, Projection));
Output.Position = mul(input.Position, wvp); // Transform by WorldViewProjection
// Transform the normal to world space
Output.Normal = mul(input.Normal, World);
// The fake or real color map tex coords
Output.TexCoords = input.TexCoords;
// The position of our vertex in world space
Output.WorldPos = mul(input.Position, World).xyz;
Output.Pos2DAsSeenByLight = mul(input.Position, LightsWorldViewProjection);
return Output;
// Our lighting equations
float4 CalcDiffuseLight(float3 normal, float3 lightDirection, float4 lightColor, float lightIntensity)
return saturate(dot(normal, -lightDirection)) * lightIntensity * lightColor;
float4 CalcDirLight(float3 cameraPos,
float3 worldPos,
float3 lightDirection,
float3 materialNormal,
float3x3 worldInverseTransposeMatrix,
float4 materialDiffuse,
float4 lightDiffuse,
float4 materialSpecular,
float4 lightSpecular,
float2 texCoords)
float materialShininess = 32;
float3 viewDir = cameraPos - worldPos;
float3 lightDir = -lightDirection;
float3 halfVector = normalize(normalize(lightDir) + normalize(viewDir));
float3 normal = mul(materialNormal, (float3x3)worldInverseTransposeMatrix);
float4 diffuse = materialDiffuse * lightDiffuse;
float4 specular = materialSpecular * lightSpecular;
float3 n = normalize(normal);
float3 h = normalize(halfVector);
float3 l = normalize(lightDir);
float nDotL = saturate(dot(n, l));
float nDotH = saturate(dot(n, h));
float power = (nDotL == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : pow(nDotH, materialShininess);
float4 materialAmbient = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
float4 lightAmbient = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
float4 color = (materialAmbient * (GlobalAmbient + lightAmbient)) +
(lightDiffuse * nDotL) + (lightSpecular * power);
return color * tex2D(ColorMap, texCoords);
float4 CalcSpotLight(float2 texCoords,
float3 cameraPos,
float3 worldPos,
float3 lightPos,
float lightRadius,
float3 spotDirection,
float3 materialNormal,
float3x3 worldInverseTransposeMatrix,
float4 materialDiffuse,
float4 materialSpecular,
float4 lightDiffuse,
float4 lightSpecular,
float lightSpotOuterCone,
float lightSpotInnerCone)
float materialShininess = 32;
float3 viewDir = cameraPos - worldPos;
float3 lightDir = (lightPos - worldPos) / lightRadius;
float3 spotDir = spotDirection;
float3 normal = mul(materialNormal, (float3x3)worldInverseTransposeMatrix);
float4 diffuse = materialDiffuse * lightDiffuse;
float4 specular = materialSpecular * lightSpecular;
float atten = saturate(1.0f - dot(lightDir, lightDir));
float3 l = normalize(lightDir);
float2 cosAngles = cos(float2(lightSpotOuterCone, lightSpotInnerCone) * 0.5f);
float spotDot = dot(-l, normalize(spotDir));
float spotEffect = smoothstep(cosAngles[0], cosAngles[1], spotDot);
atten *= spotEffect;
float3 n = normalize(normal);
float3 v = normalize(viewDir);
float3 h = normalize(l + v);
float nDotL = saturate(dot(n, l));
float nDotH = saturate(dot(n, h));
float power = (nDotL == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : pow(nDotH, materialShininess);
float4 materialAmbient = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
float4 lightAmbient = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
float4 color = (materialAmbient * (GlobalAmbient + (atten * lightAmbient))) +
(lightDiffuse * nDotL * atten) + (lightSpecular * power * atten);
return color * tex2D(ColorMap, texCoords);
float4 CalcSpotLightSpecular(float3 cameraPos,
float3 worldPos,
float3 lightPos,
float lightRadius,
float3 spotDirection,
float3 materialNormal,
float3x3 worldInverseTransposeMatrix,
float4 materialDiffuse,
float4 materialSpecular,
float4 lightDiffuse,
float4 lightSpecular,
float lightSpotOuterCone,
float lightSpotInnerCone)
float materialShininess = 32;
float3 viewDir = cameraPos - worldPos;
float3 lightDir = (lightPos - worldPos) / lightRadius;
float3 spotDir = spotDirection;
float3 normal = mul(materialNormal, (float3x3)worldInverseTransposeMatrix);
float4 diffuse = materialDiffuse * lightDiffuse;
float4 specular = materialSpecular * lightSpecular;
float atten = saturate(1.0f - dot(lightDir, lightDir));
float3 l = normalize(lightDir);
float2 cosAngles = cos(float2(lightSpotOuterCone, lightSpotInnerCone) * 0.5f);
float spotDot = dot(-l, normalize(spotDir));
float spotEffect = smoothstep(cosAngles[0], cosAngles[1], spotDot);
atten *= spotEffect;
float3 n = normalize(normal);
float3 v = normalize(viewDir);
float3 h = normalize(l + v);
float nDotL = saturate(dot(n, l));
float nDotH = saturate(dot(n, h));
float power = (nDotL == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : pow(nDotH, materialShininess);
float4 materialAmbient = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
float4 lightAmbient = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
float4 color = (materialAmbient * (GlobalAmbient + (atten * lightAmbient))) +
(lightDiffuse * nDotL * atten) + (lightSpecular * power * atten);
return color;
float4 CalcSpotLightDiffuse (float3 cameraPos,
float3 worldPos,
float3 lightPos,
float lightRadius,
float3 spotDirection,
float3 materialNormal,
float3x3 worldInverseTransposeMatrix,
float4 materialDiffuse,
float4 materialSpecular,
float4 lightDiffuse,
float4 lightSpecular,
float lightSpotOuterCone,
float lightSpotInnerCone)
float materialShininess = 32;
float3 viewDir = cameraPos - worldPos;
float3 lightDir = (lightPos - worldPos) / lightRadius;
float3 spotDir = spotDirection;
float3 normal = mul(materialNormal, (float3x3)worldInverseTransposeMatrix);
float4 diffuse = materialDiffuse * lightDiffuse;
float4 specular = materialSpecular * lightSpecular;
float atten = saturate(1.0f - dot(lightDir, lightDir));
float3 l = normalize(lightDir);
float2 cosAngles = cos(float2(lightSpotOuterCone, lightSpotInnerCone) * 0.5f);
float spotDot = dot(-l, normalize(spotDir));
float spotEffect = smoothstep(cosAngles[0], cosAngles[1], spotDot);
atten *= spotEffect;
float3 n = normalize(normal);
float3 v = normalize(viewDir);
float3 h = normalize(l + v);
float nDotL = saturate(dot(n, l));
float nDotH = saturate(dot(n, h));
float power = (nDotL == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : pow(nDotH, materialShininess);
float4 color = diffuse * nDotL * atten;
//return color * tex2D(ColorMap, IN.texCoord);
return color;
float4 CalcSpecularLight(float3 normal, float3 lightDirection, float3 cameraDirection, float4 lightColor, float lightIntensity)
float3 halfVector = normalize(lightDirection + cameraDirection);
float specular = saturate(dot(halfVector, normal));
//I have all models be the same reflectance
float specularPower = 2;
return lightIntensity * lightColor * pow(abs(specular), specularPower);
// The squared length of a vector
float lengthSquared(float3 v1)
return v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y + v1.z * v1.z;
// Our pixel Shader
float4 PS(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
float4 diffuseLight = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
float4 specularLight = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
float4 diffuseSpecular = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
float4 ambientLight = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
float4 baseColor = tex2D(ColorMap, input.TexCoords);
ambientLight = AmbientColor * AmbientIntensity;
//calculate our viewDirection
float3 cameraDirection = normalize(input.WorldPos - CameraPosition);
//calculate our sunlight
diffuseLight += CalcDiffuseLight(input.Normal, SunLightDirection, SunLightColor, SunLightIntensity);
diffuseSpecular += CalcSpecularLight(input.Normal, SunLightDirection, cameraDirection, SunLightColor, SunLightIntensity);
//calculate our pointLights
for (int i = 0; i < MaxPointLightsRendered; i++)
float3 PointLightDirection = input.WorldPos - PointLightPosition[i];
float DistanceSq = lengthSquared(PointLightDirection);
float radius = PointLightRadius[i];
if (DistanceSq < abs(radius * radius))
float Distance = sqrt(DistanceSq);
PointLightDirection /= Distance;
float du = Distance / (1 - DistanceSq / (radius * radius - 1));
float denom = du / abs(radius) + 1;
//The attenuation is the falloff of the light depending on distance basically
float attenuation = 1 / (denom * denom);
diffuseLight += CalcDiffuseLight(input.Normal, PointLightDirection, PointLightColor[i], PointLightIntensity[i]) * attenuation;
specularLight += CalcSpecularLight(input.Normal, PointLightDirection, cameraDirection, PointLightColor[i], PointLightIntensity[i]) * attenuation;
// Spot Lights
float4 spotLight = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < MaxSpotLightsRendered; j++)
/*dirLight = CalcDirLight(SpotLightViewDirection[j],
float4(1, 1, 1, 1),
float4(1, 1, 1, 1),
/*float3 viewDir = normalize(input.WorldPos - SpotLightViewDirection[j]);
diffuseSpecular += CalcSpecularLight(input.Normal, SpotLightDirection[j], viewDir, SpotLightDiffuse[j], SpotLightSpecular[j]);*/
spotLight = CalcSpotLight (input.TexCoords,
float4(1, 1, 1, 1),
float4(1, 1, 1, 1),
// Shadows
float shadowDiffuseLightingFactor = 1.0;
float2 ProjectedTexCoords;
ProjectedTexCoords.x = input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.x / input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.w / 2.0f + 0.5f;
ProjectedTexCoords.y = -input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.y / input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.w / 2.0f + 0.5f;
float4 t = tex2D(ShadowMap, ProjectedTexCoords);
float depthStoredInShadowMap = t.r;
float realDistance = input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.z / input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.w;
// If the area isn't lit, then affect its lighting.
if ((realDistance - 1.0f / 100.0f) > depthStoredInShadowMap)
shadowDiffuseLightingFactor = 0.6;
diffuseLight = diffuseLight * shadowDiffuseLightingFactor;
return (((diffuseLight * baseColor + diffuseSpecular)
+ ambientLight)
+ baseColor * SunLightColor * SunLightIntensity) + spotLight;
technique BasicLightShader
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile VS_SHADERMODEL MainVS();
PixelShader = compile PS_SHADERMODEL PS();
And this is the quad shader
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_3_0
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_3_0
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_4_0
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_4_0
matrix World;
matrix View;
matrix Projection;
matrix LightsWorldViewProjection;
Texture2D InputTexture;
Texture2D ShadowMapTexture;
float Ticks;
sampler InputTextureSampler = sampler_state
Texture = <InputTexture>;
sampler ShadowMap = sampler_state
Texture = <ShadowMapTexture>;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = clamp;
AddressV = clamp;
struct VertexShaderInput
float4 VertexPosition : POSITION0;
float2 VertexTextureMapping : TEXCOORD0;
struct VertexShaderOutput
float4 Position : SV_POSITION;
float2 FragmentTextureMapping : TEXCOORD0;
float4 Pos2DAsSeenByLight : TEXCOORD1;
struct PixelShaderOutput
float4 Color : COLOR0;
VertexShaderOutput MainVS(in VertexShaderInput input)
VertexShaderOutput output;
float4x4 wvp = mul(World, mul(View, Projection));
float4 finalPosition;
finalPosition.x = input.VertexPosition.x;
finalPosition.y = input.VertexPosition.y + (sin(radians(input.VertexPosition.y + Ticks)) * 0.3);
finalPosition.z = input.VertexPosition.z;
finalPosition.w = 1;
output.Position = mul(finalPosition, wvp); // Transform by WorldViewProjection
output.FragmentTextureMapping = input.VertexTextureMapping;
output.Pos2DAsSeenByLight = mul(input.VertexPosition, LightsWorldViewProjection);
return output;
float2 random(float2 p)
return -1.0 + 2.0 * frac(sin(float2(dot(p, float2(1527.1, 3711.7)), dot(p, float2(2629.5, 1853.3)))) * 437658.5453);
float noise_perlin(float2 p)
float2 i = floor(p);
float2 f = frac(p);
float a = dot(random(i), f);
float b = dot(random(i + float2(1., 0.)), f - float2(1., 0.));
float c = dot(random(i + float2(0., 1.)), f - float2(0., 1.));
float d = dot(random(i + float2(1., 1.)), f - float2(1., 1.));
float2 u = smoothstep(0., 1., f);
return lerp(lerp(a, b, u.x), lerp(c, d, u.x), u.y);
PixelShaderOutput MainPS(VertexShaderOutput input)
PixelShaderOutput output;
float3 color1 = float3(0., 0., 0.);
float3 color2 = float3(0., 0.54, 1.0);
float2 pos = float2(input.FragmentTextureMapping * 0.8 + Ticks / 50.0);
float n = noise_perlin(pos);
n *= 3.4;
float3 finalColor = lerp(color1, color2, n);
output.Color = tex2D(InputTextureSampler, input.FragmentTextureMapping) * float4(1, 1, 1, clamp(abs(1.0 - finalColor.z), 0.8, 1.0));
float shadowDiffuseLightingFactor = 1.0;
float2 ProjectedTexCoords;
ProjectedTexCoords.x = input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.x / input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.w / 2.0f + 0.5f;
ProjectedTexCoords.y = -input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.y / input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.w / 2.0f + 0.5f;
float4 t = tex2D(ShadowMap, ProjectedTexCoords);
float depthStoredInShadowMap = t.r;
float realDistance = input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.z / input.Pos2DAsSeenByLight.w;
// If the area isn't lit, then affect its lighting.
if ((realDistance - 1.0f / 100.0f) > depthStoredInShadowMap)
shadowDiffuseLightingFactor = 0.6;
output.Color = output.Color * shadowDiffuseLightingFactor;
return output;
technique BasicColorDrawing
pass P0
VertexShader = compile VS_SHADERMODEL MainVS();
PixelShader = compile PS_SHADERMODEL MainPS();
To render the models I’m doing it like so:
var graphicsContext = _graphicsContext;
var graphics = (graphicsContext as MonoGameGraphicsContext);
var GraphicsDevice = graphics.WindowContext.Graphics.GraphicsDevice;
for (int index = 0; index < model.Meshes.Count; index++)
ModelMesh mesh = model.Meshes[index];
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.MeshParts.Count; i++)
ModelMeshPart meshpart = mesh.MeshParts[i];
GraphicsDevice.Indices = (meshpart.IndexBuffer);
int primitiveCount = meshpart.PrimitiveCount;
int vertexOffset = meshpart.VertexOffset;
int vCount = meshpart.NumVertices;
int startIndex = meshpart.StartIndex;
GraphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.PrimitiveType.TriangleList, vertexOffset, startIndex,
And to render the screen quads which is dynamically constructed geometry, I’m rendering like this:
var graphicsContext = _graphicsContext;
var graphics = (graphicsContext as MonoGameGraphicsContext);
var GraphicsDevice = graphics.WindowContext.Graphics.GraphicsDevice;
int currentBatchCount = 0;
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionTexture[] vertices =
new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionTexture[texturedQuads.Count * 4];
int vertexFillIndicer = 0;
for (; currentBatchCount < texturedQuads.Count; currentBatchCount++)
TexturedQuad foo = texturedQuads[currentBatchCount];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var position = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3((float)foo.Position[i].X, (float)foo.Position[i].Y, (float)foo.Position[i].Z);
var mapping = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2((float)foo.TextureMapping[i].X, (float)foo.TextureMapping[i].Y);
vertices[vertexFillIndicer] = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionTexture(position, mapping);
int verticesInaQuad = 4;
int indicesInaQuad = 6;
int verticeCount = vertices.Length;
int quadCount = verticeCount / verticesInaQuad;
int indicesCount = quadCount * indicesInaQuad;
int indexIndicer = 0;
short[] indices = new short[indicesCount];
for (int verticeIndicer = 0; verticeIndicer < vertices.Length; verticeIndicer += verticesInaQuad)
if (GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RasterizerState.CullClockwise)
indices[indexIndicer + 0] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 0);
indices[indexIndicer + 1] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 1);
indices[indexIndicer + 2] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 2);
indices[indexIndicer + 3] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 2);
indices[indexIndicer + 4] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 3);
indices[indexIndicer + 5] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 0);
indices[indexIndicer + 0] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 0);
indices[indexIndicer + 1] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 2);
indices[indexIndicer + 2] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 1);
indices[indexIndicer + 3] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 2);
indices[indexIndicer + 4] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 0);
indices[indexIndicer + 5] = (short)(verticeIndicer + 3);
indexIndicer += indicesInaQuad;
if (vertices.Length > 0)
GraphicsDevice.DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.PrimitiveType.TriangleList, vertices, 0, vertices.Length, indices, 0, (indices.Length / 3), Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexPositionTexture.VertexDeclaration);
If I take a peek at the shadow map by calling spritebatch.draw I can see only a red texture, no depth information, and of course if I try to take depth information from that it won’t render any shadow.
What can I do? How do I accomplish this? Or do I need to put everything into one single shader and batch process?
Is there any problem with the Draw primitives approach? It does not reset the depth buffer for the main 3d rendering, but looks like multiple draws to the same shadow map seem not to take effect on the previous.