Effect fails to compile for some reason

I’m trying to implement per-pixel displacement mapping, but when trying to render geometry with the shader I get an InvalidOperationException (Shader Compilation Failed).

Here is my HLSL shader:

float4x4 World;
float4x4 View;
float4x4 Projection;

float3 LightPos;
float3 EyePos;

float bumpDepth;

const float3 NormalizationFactor = float3(1, 1, 1);
const int NUM_ITERATIONS = 8;

texture ModelTexture;
sampler2D colorSampler = sampler_state {
    Texture = (ModelTexture);
    MinFilter = Linear;
    MagFilter = Linear;
    AddressU = Wrap;
    AddressV = Wrap;

texture NormalMap;
sampler2D normalSampler = sampler_state {
    Texture = (NormalMap);
    MinFilter = Linear;
    MagFilter = Linear;
    AddressU = Wrap;
    AddressV = Wrap;

texture DistanceTexture;
sampler3D distanceSampler = sampler_state {
    Texture = (DistanceTexture);
    MinFilter = Linear;
    MagFilter = Linear;
    AddressU = Wrap;
    AddressV = Wrap;

struct VertexShaderInput
    float4 Position : POSITION0;
    float3 Normal : NORMAL0;
    float3 Tangent : TANGENT0;
    float3 Binormal : BINORMAL0;
    float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;

struct VertexShaderOutput
    float4 Position : POSITION0;
    float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 TanEyeVec : NORMAL0;
    float3 TanLightVec : NORMAL1;

VertexShaderOutput VertexShaderFunction(VertexShaderInput input)
    VertexShaderOutput output;

    output.Position = mul(World * View * Projection, input.Position);
    output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;

    float3 eyeVec = EyePos - input.Position;

    float3 tanEyeVec;
    tanEyeVec.x = dot(input.Tangent, eyeVec);
    tanEyeVec.y = dot(input.Binormal, eyeVec);
    tanEyeVec.z = -bumpDepth * dot(input.Normal, eyeVec);

    output.TanEyeVec = tanEyeVec;
    float3 lightVec = LightPos - input.Position;

    float3 tanLightVec;
    tanLightVec.x = dot(input.Tangent, lightVec);
    tanLightVec.y = dot(input.Binormal, lightVec);
    tanLightVec.z = dot(input.Normal, lightVec);

    output.TanLightVec = tanLightVec;

    return output;

float4 PixelShaderFunction(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
    float3 offset = normalize(input.TanEyeVec);
    offset *= NormalizationFactor;
    float3 texCoord = float3(input.TexCoord, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS; i++) 
        float distance = tex3D(distanceSampler, texCoord);
        texCoord += distance * offset;

    // Compute derivatives of unperturbed texcoords.
    // This is because the offset texcoords will have discontinuities    
    // which lead to incorrect filtering.

    float2 dx = ddx(input.TexCoord.xy);
    float2 dy = ddy(input.TexCoord.xy);
    // Do bump-mapped lighting in tangent space.
    // 'normalTex' stores tangent-space normals remapped
    // into the range [0, 1].

    float3 tanNormal = 2 * tex2D(normalSampler, texCoord.xy , dx, dy) - 1;
        float3 tanLightVec = normalize(input.TanLightVec);
        float diffuse = dot(tanNormal, tanLightVec);

    // Multiply diffuse lighting by texture color
    float4 color = diffuse * tex2D(colorSampler, texCoord.xy, dx, dy);
        color.a = 1;

    return saturate(color);

technique BumpMapped
    pass Pass1
        VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VertexShaderFunction();
        PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PixelShaderFunction();

And here is the generated GLSL shaders:

Pixel Shader:

#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;

#if GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod
#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable
#define texture2DGrad texture2DGradARB
#define texture2DProjGrad texture2DProjARB
#elif GL_EXT_gpu_shader4
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
#define texture2DGrad(a,b,c,d) texture2D(a,b)
#define texture2DProjGrad(a,b,c,d) texture2DProj(a,b)

uniform vec4 ps_uniforms_vec4[1];
uniform vec4 ps_uniforms_ivec4[1];
const vec4 ps_c1 = vec4(1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 0.0);
vec4 ps_r0;
vec4 ps_r1;
vec4 ps_r2;
vec4 ps_r3;
#define ps_c0 ps_uniforms_vec4[0]
#define ps_i0 ps_uniforms_ivec4[0]
uniform sampler2D ps_s0;
uniform sampler2D ps_s1;
uniform sampler3D ps_s2;
varying vec4 vTexCoord0;
#define ps_v0 vTexCoord0
#define ps_oC0 gl_FragColor

void main()
    ps_r0.xyz = normalize(ps_v1.xyz);
    ps_r0.xyz = ps_r0.xyz * ps_c0.xyz;
    ps_r1.xy = ps_v0.xy;
    ps_r1.z = ps_c1.x;
    for (int rep1 = 0; rep1 < ps_i0.x; rep1++) {
        ps_r2 = texture3D(ps_s2, ps_r1.xyz);
        ps_r1.xyz = (ps_r2.xxx * ps_r0.xyz) + ps_r1.xyz;
    ps_r0.xy = dFdx(ps_v0.xy);
    ps_r0.zw = dFdy(ps_v0.xy);
    ps_r2 = texture2DGrad(ps_s1, ps_r1.xy, ps_r0.xy, ps_r0.zw);
    ps_r2.xyz = (ps_r2.xyz * ps_c1.yyy) + ps_c1.zzz;
    ps_r3.xyz = normalize(ps_v2.xyz);
    ps_r1.z = dot(ps_r2.xyz, ps_r3.xyz);
    ps_r0 = texture2DGrad(ps_s0, ps_r1.xy, ps_r0.xy, ps_r0.zw);
    ps_oC0.xyz = clamp(ps_r0.xyz * ps_r1.zzz, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0));
    ps_oC0.w = ps_c1.x;

Vertex Shader:

#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
precision mediump int;

uniform vec4 vs_uniforms_vec4[15];
uniform vec4 posFixup;
vec4 vs_r0;
vec4 vs_r1;
vec4 vs_r2;
vec4 vs_r3;
vec4 vs_r4;
vec4 vs_r5;
#define vs_c0 vs_uniforms_vec4[0]
#define vs_c1 vs_uniforms_vec4[1]
#define vs_c2 vs_uniforms_vec4[2]
#define vs_c3 vs_uniforms_vec4[3]
#define vs_c4 vs_uniforms_vec4[4]
#define vs_c5 vs_uniforms_vec4[5]
#define vs_c6 vs_uniforms_vec4[6]
#define vs_c7 vs_uniforms_vec4[7]
#define vs_c8 vs_uniforms_vec4[8]
#define vs_c9 vs_uniforms_vec4[9]
#define vs_c10 vs_uniforms_vec4[10]
#define vs_c11 vs_uniforms_vec4[11]
#define vs_c12 vs_uniforms_vec4[12]
#define vs_c13 vs_uniforms_vec4[13]
#define vs_c14 vs_uniforms_vec4[14]
attribute vec4 vs_v0;
#define vs_o0 gl_Position
attribute vec4 vs_v1;
varying vec4 vTexCoord0;
#define vs_o1 vTexCoord0
attribute vec4 vs_v2;
vec4 vs_o2;
attribute vec4 vs_v3;
vec4 vs_o3;
attribute vec4 vs_v4;

void main()
    vs_r0 = vs_c0;
    vs_r0 = vs_r0 * vs_c4;
    vs_r1.xyz = vs_r0.yxz * vs_c8.yxz;
    vs_r0.x = vs_r0.w * vs_c8.w;
    vs_r2.x = vs_r1.y;
    vs_r3 = vs_c1;
    vs_r3 = vs_r3 * vs_c5;
    vs_r4.xyz = vs_r3.xzy * vs_c9.xzy;
    vs_r0.y = vs_r3.w * vs_c9.w;
    vs_r2.y = vs_r4.x;
    vs_r3 = vs_c2;
    vs_r3 = vs_r3 * vs_c6;
    vs_r3.xyz = vs_r3.xyz * vs_c10.xyz;
    vs_r0.z = vs_r3.w * vs_c10.w;
    vs_r2.z = vs_r3.x;
    vs_r5 = vs_c3;
    vs_r5 = vs_r5 * vs_c7;
    vs_r5.xyz = vs_r5.xyz * vs_c11.xyz;
    vs_r0.w = vs_r5.w * vs_c11.w;
    vs_o0.w = dot(vs_r0, vs_v0);
    vs_r2.w = vs_r5.x;
    vs_o0.x = dot(vs_r2, vs_v0);
    vs_r4.x = vs_r1.z;
    vs_r1.y = vs_r4.z;
    vs_r1.z = vs_r3.y;
    vs_r4.z = vs_r3.z;
    vs_r1.w = vs_r5.y;
    vs_r4.w = vs_r5.z;
    vs_o0.z = dot(vs_r4, vs_v0);
    vs_o0.y = dot(vs_r1, vs_v0);
    vs_r0.xyz = vs_c13.xyz + -vs_v0.xyz;
    vs_o2.x = dot(vs_v2.xyz, vs_r0.xyz);
    vs_o2.y = dot(vs_v3.xyz, vs_r0.xyz);
    vs_r0.x = dot(vs_v1.xyz, vs_r0.xyz);
    vs_o2.z = vs_r0.x * -vs_c14.x;
    vs_r0.xyz = vs_c12.xyz + -vs_v0.xyz;
    vs_o3.x = dot(vs_v2.xyz, vs_r0.xyz);
    vs_o3.y = dot(vs_v3.xyz, vs_r0.xyz);
    vs_o3.z = dot(vs_v1.xyz, vs_r0.xyz);
    vs_o1.xy = vs_v4.xy;
    gl_Position.y = gl_Position.y * posFixup.y;
    gl_Position.xy += posFixup.zw * gl_Position.ww;
    gl_Position.z = gl_Position.z * 2.0 - gl_Position.w;

Any tips?
Also, as a side note, what is the current plan for Geometry shaders?

It’s difficult to tell what may have failed in the GLSL compile because OpenGL drivers are generally garbage at giving useful error messages.

[quote=“ShawnM427, post:1, topic:2643”]
Also, as a side note, what is the current plan for Geometry shaders?
[/quote]It would be good to get them, but we have to work out a nice way of implementing them that will work across all platforms that support them.

Any tips for debugging? Any flags I can set or is it just more or less a crapshoot?