I best remember to add this to any tutorial I put together… thinking to allow the tutorials to be added to by various people as well… hmm… obviously with full credits and link backs…
Has me thinking now…
On the only positive note of mine for this week, I finally purchased my domain name for my travel blog which I plan to make headway on, later this year… www.BlindManTravels.net I already put a facebook link together too of the same name… [Still need to put the branding together yet, thought of a fantastic logo for it… just need to get it made now…] I hope to encourage and support and bring light to the condition I suffer and the 1/60,000 [EDIT There are more than 125,000 people with a similar issue but the point I meant to raise was that people assume Blind means zero sight… this is wrong and needs addressing as there are many levels of blindness; it is this fact I wish to bring to the foreground] or so who also have a similar condition… I found that nobody was doing anything about it so… I may as well become my own role model… [Inception?] Unsure at this point to host an independent site for it or blend it into my own blog for simplicity… but I think I may take that route for a while until it grows out of being a sub section… [EDIT 2 I forgot to mention I have already spoken to a national charity that supports blind people here to partner with them in some way to help others in the same situation, I hope I can muster the courage to step up…]