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I would still have a robust level editor that I paid for :wink:

I’m a bit confused. Your level editor depends on OpenGL not working?

If it did not use OGL, it would still [because it uses DX instead] be working and I would not have to write a level editor myself…

Well, that’s good. I guess you just don’t like OpenGL, then?

I only like one aspect of it, polygon building…

I just hate the deprecated 2.0-2.1 stuff; I think 3.0 and onwards still function…

I have no hate, just distrust of its unreliability…


I think you can see what I did there lol

Just throwing this protip out there for the beginners, I have recently started coding apps again, and forgot you can hide lines of commented out code using



In VS…


Method something()
        // some old but still useful code
        // some old but still useful code
        // some old but still useful code
        // some old but still useful code
        String OtherCodeHere = "SomethingCool";

And then just click the +/- sign on the top bracket to hide it all… the one immediately above the commented out code…

I had a typo that caused this to prematurely post lol, trying to indent with Tab key in a browser lol


Adding to this, basically, you would find this useful when you need to keep some code present in a method/function but need to try out new code below it or above it but don’t want to keep scrolling or breaking out views.

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Just a gentle reminder to newcomers…

If you are looking for something like a guide/tutorial for MonoGame…

Remember to also look for XNA guides/tutorials, especially XNA4.0…

As you were…


Anybody else having download issues with Visual Studio Updates/Fresh Installs?

This was for VS17
lol and then when trying a repair…

Turns out to be a CDN issue in general… oh well… will see if I can still code but this is annoying and the reason I hate distributed downloads…


This feels better…

So glad MilkShape3D still works, unlike some other apps I paid for before :roll_eyes:

Which 3D modelling apps other than Blender and 3DSMax/Maya [ignore similar 3DS apps as well] do you guys use?

And, how do you guys paint your models?

For complete beginners, if you have not been following this series, perhaps dig back through his series and see if it answers some questions, you may have…

I don’t like everything he explains, not enough detail for me, but still worth listening to sometimes…

He covers a lot of useful topics though, if you dig for those gems, you will probably enjoy them too.

Ho boy, someone’s real bothered by my existence lul.




Not really grammatically correct in that context, but you do you :sake:

Now you’re getting the point.

Anyway, anyone doing a game jam lately?

I lately attempted, and as it often happens, I decided to work it over more time than the jam allocated :slight_smile:
It was the Pursuing Pixels jam, they cover indie and retro games and hosted their first this year. It would have been nice to be a part of the crowd :’)

@Martenfur Unrelated: as someone who uses your FMOD wrapper, thanks!

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Was looking forward to the GMTK Jam but, things have come up… #Life

Post a link if you like @Antoine_Chartier, what did you use to create it?

I understand you.
As an exercise I’ve been wanting to hop on more jams than Ludum Dare, which I religiously attend. The PPJ submission isn’t finished yet but I do have a preview of the larger project I intended it for: GLOW
All built with Monogame - not sure if you asked about other software too.

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I got vibes of classic PSOne era gaming from that… nice! I think I saw some dice roll mechanic in that, very neat! when you add particle effects [if you do] that would be so awesome! [I noticed particle effects on the mouse cursor, but the dice could use some kind of particle highlight when it is triggered] Just some feedback for you there :slight_smile:

It got me thinking, we have a showcase for more or less published apps/games, but, what about a WIP thread… :thinking: hmm…


Other software is ok in this thread, it’s just an open discussion! but obviously no flame wars…